Shining Raikou said:
This is a thread for
new members to introduce themselves. Post an introduction as well as things like:
- why you joined
- where you found out about PokéBeach
- your interests
- hobbies
- anything else relevant
Want to say hello to new members? Please visit the member's profile and leave a comment there.
Welcome to PokéBeach! We hope you enjoy your stay!
PS: Older members who want to mention why they joined can use this thread:
Hmm... How should I start? Hello. I'm a newcomer to this website and I just want say that I really want to make new friends on this website, but I'm not sure if I can because that's usually how it goes other websites, but no matter. Hope fully I can make some friends.
The reason I joined this site is because I thought that I could find some more information about Pokémon and maybe talk about some Pokémon. Hopefully, I can learn all I can!
The way I found this website is that I was just looking for answers to a random question I had (if you're wondering, that question was, "Why doesn't Magnemite and its evolutionary relatives know the ability "Levitate?"). I didn't really get an answer, but I came accross this site and wanted to make a comment, but I didn't have an account. Then I thought that I could answer some more questions for other people.
My interests include learning about outer space and things that are related to that subject. I like to imagine what people would be like in different games or places and how they would be part of that scenario (my imagination is very active...). For some weird reason, I like to give out useless facts, like "Rotom is the only Pokémon that is Electric/Ghost type" or something that's not even related to Pokémon.
My hobbies are playing video games (my favorite game of which is "New Super Mario Bros. 2, however, I do play Pokémon White), watching TV, and utilizing the computer (though, my computer isn't working, so I'm using my phone).
One thing I'd like to mention is that I have Asperger's Syndrome (or at least a similar form of autism) and I can be a little immature

Well, that's all I have to say.
Thank you for time.