Hi, My name is TheDunsparceKid!
I joined Pokebeach forums because I always find myself reading posts on here. I found out about Pokebeach about 4 or 5 years back.
I'm only 14 but I think I was born a generation late, I never really took interest in the newer games, My young childhood was composed of: Pokemon Red and Gold and Silver, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link's awakening, A link to the past, Paper Mario, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon XD, and also Mortal Kombat arcade machines. Many other games too, but after Pokemon Gold and Silver I took a little break, and when i was 7-8 years old I started to play Pokemon Ruby, and Pokemon Diamond, Thats when I started to get back into the series. From there out I have bought every Pokemon game released, and I have owned every US Pokemon game ever (EXCEPT FOR POKEMON CRYSTAL. GRRRR) So Pokemon has been there for me my entire childhood and holds a special place in my heart.
To be honest, I really don't have hobbies, I just stay inside and play games all day

The last relevant thing is Dunsparce is my favorite Pokemon, ever since I found a shiny one in Dark Cave (Non Swarm). Just to let you know, I will defend Dunsparce at all costs, I super fan boy for him.
Also, I am a competitive battler. PM me if you wanna battle. (no legendaries)