Introduce Yourself!

Hello fellow pokemon fans I'm MaD_DoG. I joined this site because I want to give & recieve advice for deck lists, also I want to discuss the current metagame & our latest sets that are coming out soon.
Hi there I'm Isabelle Bouchard, I joined today mostly because of the Vivillon collecting problem. Everyone who tried know now how hard it is to try to collect them through the GTS, with all those weirdoes thinking that a more rare Vivillon should be exchanged for an Ylvetal or Xerneas. I could try to hunt for them, but I think it's very selfish to say that you want a legendary pokemon against a common pokemon like a Scatterbug or a Vivillon.

I found you guys by google-searching "trading vivillon for vivillon" and I think it's a great idea to have a forum thread for it ^_^

I like drawing and making sculpey figurines, in fact the sculpey is pretty much a sideline :p
if you want you can check em out at ^_^
I'm Pokecollector C ( just C for short) and I aim to collect all pokemon:D

I have pokemon X and many vivillon:))

My safary is Dark but I don't know yet what pokemon you can find.

I am Niclas and I joined because I want to talk about Pokémon. :) Since I played Pokémon Silver, I am a Pokémon fan.
How's it goin everyone, I'm Johan. Just stopped by here out of curiosity. Mostly interested in the games, looking to exchange FCs, battle, and trade, and also get more into competitive battling, and building up the ultimate team/strategy to do so. Can't wait to see all there is to offer here
Hi there, yeah, actually I was first on this forum all the way back in 2006, but I think I only had all of 3 posts in all the time being here. I sorta lost my password and had trouble since in the last 7 years or so I changed email addresses a couple times, so I couldn't get a password reset. In any case, I'm here again, but now I'm mostly interested in the video game instead of the card game. I might even be able to help others here too. Time will tell. See you on the board.
Well Hiya everyone! Im Hailey a.k.a CloudKnine (pronounced 'nine' LoL Im not a dog) :p
Like most of you, Im a die-hard pokemon fan :) Have been since the beginning and probably will be until the end ^-^"
I looooove Eevee haha I have plushies, posters, and I collect every evolution in every game I play. I love lots of other pokemon too, but Eevee is deffinetly the fave.
Although recently (today) Ive taken a liking to all of Vivillons wing patterns. Which explains how I found this website. Someone posted a thread containing all the patterns and where they come from. Thanks to Akwila, Ive found my way here :)
I'll most likely only be trading here or offering pokemon for trade. Id love to call myself a breeder, but in honesty Im not. I mainly hook up pokemon from different regions in hopes of hatching shinys. Im called a 'hunter' I guess LOL sounds cool...ish.

Anywhoozen! Thats me! Hope to start trading soon :) - Hailey
Hi! My names speedysupersonic and I've collected pokemon cards for a pretty long time but only back in april did I really start to think about actually playing the game, competitively or just for fun. I hope to soak up as much knowledge as I can on this website, metagame wise as well as on building decks. Thanks for reading!
Hey all!
Just registered here to use the friend safari function. And then hopefully do some trading!
Not sure of my own type or pokemon available just yet, but that's why i'm here! :D
Greetings, fellow Trainers from all across the world!

My introduction may be a long one, but it's how I began, and started over once again.
My love for the games goes back to the original Red/Blue/Yellow titles, more likely known here as 'Generation I'.
Back in that time, it was the Silver Age of Pokemon websites. A lot of the Pokemon websites I remember back
in the day, are sadly today shells of their former selves, or lost to the annals of the internet.

It was in such places where I began my journey, so to speak. I remember it was a website at the time dedicated to the up-and-coming 'Generation II' games in the late nineties. I don't know if many remember it now, but said site was named Pokémon Forever. It was somewhat before the release of Generation III that everything fell into disarray, and like most of the people I knew back then, we scattered to the four winds. In a way, I'm still trying to find a lot of these old faces, and hoping to see if like me, they still carry a flame for this series.

As for myself, I have played in every Pokemon Generation to date. There were times that my love for the game had died down, almost to a flicker... Oddly enough, the announcement of Pokemon X&Y in a way, brought me back again. I can't really say I'm much into the competitive aspect of the game, but more so for the overall enjoyment. I love the addition of Wonder Trade to X & Y, as it's like a gachapon every time! (I have also been known on occasion to have holiday specific Wonder Trades.)

I've grown older since those days, but I've still been part of Pokemon. I've never really left, but just hiding. Either way, I'm glad to be here!
Hi! I'm Emiliano /Eron (E-Sauron)
I joined because I wanted to post good stuff (like my decks) in here.
I found PokéBeach because I started playing the TCG and I heard people talking about this page so I got interested.
I'm interested in Pokémon (of course) mostly video games, the TCG,VCG,anime, Heroclix.
I like to play the TCG, Heroclix (any kind), I go to a place in my city all Saturdays, since I started to go there I just have missed one Saturday. My favourite pokéball is the Quick Ball, actually I catch most of my Pokémon with them.

Have a nice day (How do I put smilies?)
Hi there, my name is Ricky. I've always been a fan of the Pokemon franchise particularly the video games on Nintendo's portable consoles and physical card game. I joined in hopes of of involving myself in a Pokemon community. I have a pretty massive collection of cards that I share with my brothers, but I've stopped collecting early in the Diamond and Pearl days and wish to get back. I don't remember how I heard about Pokebeach, but I've been coming here for ages. Some of my related interests are Anime and video games. Hope to make your acquaintance! :)
Hi guys, I'm CianM1301. I'm 19, from Ireland, and I've been a fan of Pokémon for a while now. I've been a fan of the game for about 10 years, my first game being Sapphire, and I've been kind of on-and-off with the TCG. I hope to get to know people and maybe get some friendly advice on things, like team layouts and/or TCG decks. Here's to more from me, hopefully!
Well hello there!

I'll give you two guesses as to what my favourite food is :3

When I'm not working/generally being amazing, i'm usually playing something pokemon-ish.

Just here to meet some like minded people who share the same passions as I do. The main one being pokemon ofcourse. So yeah.... I'll be around the forums often, so hit me a message or whatever and i'll get back to you A.S.A.P. :)
Hi I'm chazzer. I have joined because I have pokemon cards to sell :)

Shining Raikou said:
This is a thread for new members to introduce themselves. Post an introduction as well as things like:

  • why you joined
  • where you found out about PokéBeach
  • your interests
  • hobbies
  • anything else relevant

Want to say hello to new members? Please visit the member's profile and leave a comment there.

Welcome to PokéBeach! We hope you enjoy your stay! :)

PS: Older members who want to mention why they joined can use this thread:
I joined to find some more friends who like Pokemon as much as I do. I have actually known about PokeBeach for quite a few years now, but didn't know there was a forum until recently.

I have been collecting Pokemon toys and the games since 1998. As of right now I collect 26 different Pokemon. I have my own collection website which is linked in my profile. I am engaged to a wonderful man who loves Pokemon as much as I do. He also collects Pokemon merch as well.
Hello everyone, I'm a PokeDad, checking out this forum for info to help us get started building decks for league play, possibly even doing some trades. I found this site through Google like pretty much every other site I've found this century :)