Hi there.
I'm Taruzard, 21 from UK. I've been into the Pokemon games since gen 1. I had a huge collection of the original base set (Including a holo Charizard, a few Blastoise and Gyarados, too

) which were lost when we moved, however after picking up a LT Box and a couple of XY Tins, I've gotten back into collecting.
I haven't really played the TCG since Gym Leader Heroes expansion, I was only like 10~ when they were around here so I'm a newbie at the game, though I have been playing a bit on PTCGO (Since no one else I know plays anymore. xD)
I'd like to get into the actual game, but the closest league to me (according to the Pokemon website) is 20 miles away, and I have no real way of getting there, so for now I'm just a collector.

Anyways, I found this site through google, lurking around for a while looking up pull rates and other stuff like that, and decided I should probably just make an account.
My interests include Pokemon, obviously, other games would be: Disgaea, Final Fantasy (Except XIII.. We can all pretend that didn't happen.), Gotcha Force.
TV: Haruhi Suzumiya, Futurama, Azumanga Daioh, Doctor Who, South Park, American Dad, Pokemon (Once again.

), anything Studio Ghibli, most things Disney. XD
My hobbies are mostly gaming, and now collecting cards once again. 3: