Introduce Yourself!

Shining Raikou said:
This is a thread for new members to introduce themselves. Post an introduction as well as things like:

  • why you joined
  • where you found out about PokéBeach
  • your interests
  • hobbies
  • anything else relevant

Want to say hello to new members? Please visit the member's profile and leave a comment there.

Welcome to PokéBeach! We hope you enjoy your stay! :)

PS: Older members who want to mention why they joined can use this thread:

I'm roxie_2014
I joined this site when I was goggling the "Pokemon region Russia" and found one of the threads that mentioned "Russia"
My interests are video games, rock music, anime and the like
My hobbies are video games and playing Pokemon.
If the Pokemon world would be real, then I'd rather go to different gyms and kicking different Gym Leaders' butts than spend my time at college having to sit through long boring lectures about different lessons.
Hey my name is LaughingAngel! I came here because I love Pokemon (still) and I figured this would be a place to come and talk about them since I see this site pop up everywhere Pokemon related.
I love swim team and tennis. Singing is great and I actually do like to write. My favorite pokemon depends on my mood but right now it just happens to be Haunter. (I have a weird obsession over ghost pokemon…)
I hope I can get along with everybody and it's nice to meet you all!
Hello, I'm Pikapwn

I joined because I think pokebeach is a great site!
I found pokebeach from the YouTube user giancarlopairomango11. My interests an hobbies are mainly watching anime.
New member here, stumbled upon a thread by King Arceus about building a bulky offensive team that I'm excited to start using.

I joined because I just started battling online and I am looking for as much constructive criticism as I can find.
Hello, My name is PokeLover81, yeahhhh.... I came here so I could throw my rogue deck ideas out there. I also go to league and play TCG. Although, I do play a lot of the video game version. I love my 3DS, but I do play on the Xbox and on the Wii U. I love to listen to music, draw, play games, create my own simple games using C++, and play POKEMON!!! Other than that, have a nice day and enjoy your life!
Hello! I'm FalcoThePixel. I'm a pokemon fan who enjoys both the TCG and the Video Game. I've been playing the TCG for about 3 years now, and I started playing the video game competitively about a month ago. I really like anime, and I write casually sometimes. I look forward to meeting you!
Hello, my name is Matt. I have played Pokemon since it came out but stopped during high school. During that time, I played mtg. I now collect and play online and am interested in playing local tournaments here in Canada. I love ghost types in the digital game and use psychic and dark types primarily online and irl for the tcg. I am always looking for ways to improve my deck list.
Hi, my name is Kat and I'm new here. There's not much i like besides video games (Pokemon mostly) and food. I joined to get safaris (Very selfish). I guess I'm a likable (sp?) person, and uhm, yeah, that's me (shy until you know me in which case I become very irritating).
Hi, My name is Eddie and i'm from Sweden. I have played the pokemon games since i were 8 years old but my faintest pokemon memory was when i got a large charmander plush when i was 2 years old at an amusement park in Stockholm and since then i've loved the series as a whole <3.
I used to collect the card game back in 07-09 even though no one in my class knew how to ACTUALLY play the game xD
Regardless, i ended up selling the cards on a flea market... And forgot about the card game even existing for about 5 years. xD
I still played the video games and discovered evs in 2013 which pokemon white 2 :) and ivs in x and y, and i'm currently breeding a vgc team :D

During this time (2013) i got interested in the pokemon tcg league at our locals (been playing yugioh at our locals for about 4 years) I bought some cards, learned how to play and had fun:) but for some reason, i decided i wanted to quit the game and sold my whole blastoise/keldeo deck with beach... which i ended up regretting afterward....
After some time, i started meeting up with my old friends that played pokemon tag and they got me interested in the game again. And now i have a complete blastoise/keldeo deck again and i still <3 the deck :)
My locals is often really nice to newer player, especially our professors/judges and i prefer the tag community rather than the yugioh....

My reason for joining pokebeach was mainly to get advice and improving my skills at the game. And my goal is to TRAVEL TO POKEMON WORLDS, I WILL SUCCEED SOMEDAY!
Hi everyone, RTLfan here. My username stands for the fact that I first saw the Pokemon anime on a German channel called RTL II. I've been a Pokemon fan since around the year 2000.

My favorite types are Psychic, Normal, Grass and Water.

My favorite Pokemon is Gardevoir. Other top favorites include Grovyle (second favorite) and, in no particular order,Yanma, Salamence, Milotic, Eeevee, Carnivine, Flotzel, Espeon, Pidgeot and Delphox.
Hello Im Chris, i heard of you all from Pooka at The Top Cut,
Im interested in becoming a competitive Pokemon TCG player
Hobbies are guitar singing art and video games obv. :p
My FC is 4184-2165-8117
I joined to find a Poliwhirl Friend Safari for a competitive team.
My favorite gym leader is Erika
My favorite elite four member is Lance (The Hacker)
My Favorite type is Psychic
Hello, my name is Cypher. I am the Oracle of the Ocean. *coughinmyheadcough* Anyway, my favorite Pokémon is Gallade!.
Hello my name is Ed(Mrplayer) and i love trading pokemon and trying to finish the pokedex so i came here for friend codes to trade, battle, and friend safari since it needs registered friends. Send a reply or message if you want me to add you
My friend code is 1864-9290-7904
Hey, I'm Orochidragon24, and I came here because I love Pokemon and I hope for some good battles and trades!
In terms of battles, I'm okay, not amazing, so don't expect too much.
I have got bunches of different pokes up for trade, so pm me if you happen to have adamant iron head jirachi!
hey, I joined here because I'm always looking for more trades, I have all legends and vivillon patterns, and im looking for shinys(especially vivillon)
i'm not a battler, sory about that, so I don't pay much attention to ivs/evs/nature.
theres actualy an interesting story behind my name, if interested just ask.
Hi, I'm Blake M from New Jersey, and I like to play the video games. I've played every generation, my personal favorite being generation being gen 4. I joined this forum to trade with others to help build up a strong wifi battleing team. I'm friends with elbow, and he recommended me to this site. Hopefully I can improve my battleing skills, as of now I'm pretty much a noob. I'm looking forward to being on this site!
Name's Aemort! I absolutely love collecting Pokemon cards, though I'm not a competitive player.
I love to swordfight and draw in my free time, though writing is also one of my hobbies!
I've been playing the games since I was a kid, and have never lost interest.
•why you joined: I love Pokémon and I check this page everyday, so I decided to join if I rarely write in forums.
•where you found out about PokéBeach: Internet browsing.
•your interests: Pokémon, anime, manga, Pretty Little Liars, Cinnamoroll/Sanrio, nature, TMNT, malls, M&M's, Stitch/Disney.
•hobbies: Collecting figures, cards, stickers and anything Pokémon.
•anything else relevant: Favorite Pokémon is Pachirisu, I like going to the Pokémon League so I can get the badges/keychain charms.
Hey, i'm Simon! I joined so I can collaborate with other users on ideas and materials like pictures or custom cards, somewhere along those lines... I love, and I dang straight mean LOVE, the TCG. I create custom cards (working on a custom TCG set called "Gym Showdown"). I eat tons of grilled cheeses, play way too much mario kart 64, run a youtube channel, drink too much Pibb Xtra, and that's essentially all you need to know about me. I found out about Pokebeach when i was looking for card blanks online. My favorite Pokemon is Blastoise, and my favorite pokemon game is either Crystal or Sapphire.