Introduce Yourself!

Hello Pokefriends!

I just came here to get updates from pokebeach, but then i saw the had a forums section. So I made an account. I really like watching the anime, and im going to get X game. Looks awesome!!!! I like being athletic and playing sports, some of my hobbies.

Hope to have a great time here!
Hey all, Im Slo, Ive been playing this game for about 15 years on and off. Used to play in the Pokemon league in my town years ago. Pretty familiar with competitive play

Hi there. My name is TheDarkCharizard and am new to these forums. This is the first forum I joined and I'm glad to be here. I am a HUGE Pokemon fan. I've been playing it sience I was 3 (10 years) and know a lot about a lot. Again I'm glad I'm here and would love to answer any questions you post. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. :)
Ah! Here we go then!

Hello everybody! :) I am Student D1 but you are welcome to address me as Student or SD1. I have known PokéBeach for quite some time, but I have not made a decision whether I should make a forum account or not until today. If I recall, this is the fourth forum I have joined, and I must say that it looks nice to be here. I'll try to be active as much as I can, since I have school and I can be workaholic.

I started my interest to Pokémon ever since my older cousin introduced me Pokémon FireRed eight years ago. It was the first Pokémon game that I was able to enjoy (I had a Pokémon Yellow for my Game Boy Color, but I did not know what to do. It was my older cousin that taught me how to play and what to do.), and because of that introduction, I became a Pokémon Fan (to the games though. I'm not much into the cards. I have a bit of a liking to the anime.).

More about myself, I like to read books (but I'm having a break now. I don't have time to read them because of all of the schoolwork given.), solve puzzles (I challenge my friends sometimes and most of them didn't get the right answer. I try to challenge myself as well without any form of cheating!), play logical games (it can be either board games or video games. I bet you've heard of some games that requires thinking skills and common sense, yes?), and studying (my favorite subjects, such as English or Biology.).

There are some little information in my profile, so if you have time, check it out! Anyway, I hope you guys have read this post, and again, hello to everybody! I wish that we could all be good friends, no matter how different we are. By the way, if you are wondering where I live, I'll give you a hint: It's an Asian country. Good luck! :D
Hello everyone, I'm Rio :) I'm a female, 22 years old, from England, I'm a mummy and my boyfriend is a TO. I've been playing Pokemon for 18 months now, I've been to two national (didn't do too badly at either) and I've won a battle roads (yey me.) I'm pretty familiar with competitive play. I did use Pokebeach for the scans to determine what deck I wanted to play with for the next set. I also liked reading the news as I don't really like the Pokemon website itself. Thankfully with my boyfriend being a TO and his brother playing in the masters, I've come to know some well known players, who are lovely!! Play tested against them, or even played them in tournaments. I used to love Pokemon was I was about 8 so by my boyfriend introducing me to the game again, I've come to love so much and yes, typically because I'm female or whatever my favorite Pokemon is Pikachu, but also Scraggy. That's pretty much it! :)
Hey, I'm Chrono. I used to be a huge Pokemon fan and I even did some competitive battling when I was a young lad. I still try to play Pokemon when I can as it was such a big part of my childhood. I am quite mature for my age, and I hope to meet some cool like-minded people on this forum.
Hello! I'm SheNinja, and I joined Pokebeach because I wanted to learn as much as I could about Pokemon. Many times when I was unsure about something and just searched it, Pokebeach came up. My 2 favorite things to do are sports and Math. My favorite sports to play are baseball, basketball, and tennis. I was first introduced to Pokemon through the card game back around 2003 from my siblings, but have been playing the video games too, and have been recently amazed by how much I have missed in the games by just playing through them without really understanding all of the game mechanics. I have recently understood many things about both the VG and TCG games and would really like to be competitive, but that probably won't happen. I hope I like my stay at Pokebeach!
Hello everyone! My name is Chris or NightWing Attack. I live in the Northwestern United States. I am an 18 year old Pokemon lover! I love the TCG but the video games are my favorite! Message me sometime! Goodbye everyone and have a nice day! :D
Moshi Moshi!

Hey eveyone, I'm Waterfall, or now also referred to as HM 07 lol. I just adore Pokemon and my friends have recently got me back in to collecting the TCG. I also love to play the games, Blue and Silver being the best. (Obviously! ;))

I really want to make friends with everyone and expand my knowledge on everything. So if you want a chat just send me a cute little PM.

And YES I am a girl who plays Pokemon. Where are all the girls at anyway?

Take care,
Howdy doody :3

I'm Linadra!

I'm from Kentucky here in the USA, I was big in the TCG a few years back, but never got into competitive play. I started back maybe 4 months ago and decided I would give the competitive scene a try! Since I just turned 20, I figured better now than later!

Hopefully I can figure out how to perfect my deck, but regardless I'm loving it so far!

Stay sassy everyone, have fun!
Hi everyone,
I'm Lemonnade. I'm a fan of the game Portal 2, the Pokemon TCG and of course the Pokemon games (albeit not having a DS; my friends do)! I'm not a competitive player (no mewtwo, darkrai, keldeo etc.), but I know a bit about TCG and have been collecting for a while (but nothing of particular interest). I also live in Australia, but I'm not a trader (I have not much of value, certainly not much past BW) unfortunately.
So that's basically me in a nutshell. I hope I have fun here and same to everyone else :)
Hi, I'm new to the forum but not new to PokeBeach. I've be coming to this site for years.

  • I decided to join because with the new Pokemon X & Y games coming out, I'm sure making new friends who play the game will be mutually beneficial.
  • I found out about PokeBeach back in the Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire days when I would obsessively search for images and moves, LOL.
  • Some of my interest are nature, Pokemon, anime, Rihanna (LOL), and TUMBLR!
  • My hobbies are going thrifting, going to parties, travel, working out when I can.
  • I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 125lbs. I'm trying to gain more muscle but it's so hard!
hi im nick, I love pokemon. I found pokebeach just by searching the web. I love the TCG but started through the video game in D/P. All I want are some cool friends who like pokemon like I do. :) happy posting!
Hello, I'm Pikapower99 (Duh). I'm new to this forum, but I know I have an account on Pokegym along with trade refs.
The reason I joined was mainly for trading.
Heya guys, I'm MusicJazz. Me and a bud decided that we should play the Pokemon TCG because we are both big Pokemon fans. I've always loved TCGs and Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh were one of my favorites as a kid. Now I'm 18, but I don't think age defines someones interests and hobbies. Pokemon will always have a place in my heart since it was a huge part of my childhood. :)
Hey guys, I am RainbowDashx92, yes it is true I am a brony. But I kinda recently got back into collecting cards, I am not really into the battling or anything, just collecting them in my free time as I like the artwork of cards and it brings back the good time of my childhood. So from that, I am really here to make trades with other users for cards that I want in return for cards that I personally don't want that others may want for their own purposes helping both parties. Currently in standing I have over 1,800 cards at last count and here in the near future will post all of my cards that I have up for trade, as this week is a busy time for me. I would hope to get along with everyone here as I did on the last forum I was on a few years ago.

Small story about that, I was actually one of the admins on another site and on my own brought thousands of people onto the site when it was almost new, then the owner of the forums banned me for sticking up for another member for having cards stolen through the mail (someone sent and did not send back, as on the previous forum the trader with lower reputation sent first, so you can see some problems there.

All in all, sorry for rambling, if anyone has any questions though please feel free to send me a message. I do promise to put up all the cards I have for trade up here asap, it's not the most spectacular list, but there may be something there that somebody on here may want.
Hi everyone, I'm Sentret_C from Beijing. I'd like to wish all of you a happy Chinese new year first of all!
A classmate of mine recommended the site to me maybe more than 5 years ago, and I was already visiting regularly when it was PokerBeach :p
Finally decided to register in the forum...but still don't know what I'm gonna do here (I think I know what I can do though).
However English is not my mother tongue...Reading is not a big problem for me thank to the convenient online dictionaries but grammar mistakes may occur when it comes to writing. I'd appreciate it if you help me to correct them.
Still got a lot to say, but maybe next time:)
Hi. I'm Pell.

I am an 18-year old aspiring game designer from Ohio, I like drawing and rolling dice. I am a YouTube Wi-Fi battler (can't post right now for compicated reasons), but that's not why I joined. I joined because I am a huge fan of the TCG, and would like to (at some point) make some trades and help some people with decklists :)
Hey everyone, i'm DemonViper.
I joined because I was having trouble on with alot of stuff on Serebii forums and I couldn't figure out how anything worked on it. I thought that this would be a little easier to understand. That's all I really needed to say.
Hello i have joined poke beach because i love pokemon
And cant wait to hear exciting news about pokemon