Is anyone else worried about the next few sets?

^"That's why you either run Absol G Lv. X for Darkness Slugger or Honchkrow SV for Riot... "

Hmmm... I thought about Absol G X, but it was to many cards to tech into my deck (Premeir ball and needing 2 special dark). Honchkrow SV is a bit of a risk since I'll have to rely on having basics on the feild, but it might work out, because I run the new Pachurisu for my energy drops.

That'll be something I have to play test. Thanks for the idea!
I see that the format hasn't settled due to the release of the newer set's, and because of that we might end up going HGSS-on. Now for the next few set's I'm not worried in the least. cya
^ what do you mean it hasnt settled. its never been settled really. there isnt to much of a balance of decks right now. one dominates. sure a viable opponent has come up to take down luxchomp buuuuuut if it wins or loses the meta will still be uneven.
Fetz said:
Hmmm... I thought about Absol G X, but it was to many cards to tech into my deck (Premeir ball and needing 2 special dark). Honchkrow SV is a bit of a risk since I'll have to rely on having basics on the feild, but it might work out, because I run the new Pachurisu for my energy drops.

That'll be something I have to play test. Thanks for the idea!

No problem, it's pretty much common knowledge by now anyway. You can easily get around putting a Lv. X to the bench with Warp Energy If needed, just sayin...
Absol G is pretty easy to tech into any Luxchomp if you are already using a 3-1 Garchomp line. It is quite affective. I played my Lostgar against it and it really put me in a bind on how to play the game out. Plus, Darkness Send can be deadly (I lost my Palmer's).
There's enough disruption available in the T/S/S slot that LostGar will still have to work for their wins. Looker's is a given, and Pokemon Catcher and other bench manipulation can potentially wreck Gengar while it's still just a Gastly.

It's a given that almost every deck is going to need to tech tools in to help combat LostGar, but those tools are so utility that the changes will be minimal.