BW/BW2 Is Cheren the son of Makomo?

Are they Related?

  • You're right! They look similar, maybe they're related!

    Votes: 43 95.6%
  • Hmn, I don't think they are related. sorry.

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
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Twiggin' it.
I was looking at the scans and noticed that Cheren and Makomo look very similar. They have very similar face shapes and the same colour hair, and both wear thin rimmed glasses.

I don't know if this is even close to being a correct guess, but what do you guys think?

I think you might be right!
they do look similar,the reasons you listed,speak all of what I was going to say.
She's a friend of the professors.
Rumors are saying professor is your mom.
Cheren is a childhood friend.

It all kind of fits together if she is.

Even if professor isn't your mother, they bare enough resemblance to convince me they're related.
Ryo said:
She's a friend of the professors.
Rumors are saying professor is your mom.
Cheren is a childhood friend.

It all kind of fits together if she is.

Even if professor isn't your mother, they bare enough resemblance to convince me they're related.
That would make since because when you pick your starter it comes out of a gift box thing. So she could give it to you as a gift if she is your mom.
I would be agree if they have a strong connection about Mother and Son. I think they look kinda similar. But gosh! Cheren is so cool! I actually thought Cheren is a girl. Lucky for us, Most Trainers in 5th gen is really having a better design than the previous Gen. Especially that "N" guy. I think we might be getting many Special Trainers this time.
This whole thread is all my theories :D

I was the first to say most of this stuff :O

Anyway.... @ブラック, I thought N was the champion.. but now.. I'm not sure :O 
The brief video with him in it, he says 「ぼくは チャンピオンを こえる」 And, according to google translate, it means "I was beyond a champion", which I can agree with :D... Does that mean he beaten the Champion?
And, getting back on topic, Cheren is most likely Makomo's son, look at the hair colour, they are both wearing glasses they just look similar! :D
Shimama-man said:
This whole thread is all my theories :D

I was the first to say most of this stuff :O

Anyway.... @ブラック, I thought N was the champion.. but now.. I'm not sure :O 
The brief video with him in it, he says 「ぼくは チャンピオンを こえる」 And, according to google translate, it means "I was beyond a champion", which I can agree with :D... Does that mean he beaten the Champion?
And, getting back on topic, Cheren is most likely Makomo's son, look at the hair colour, they are both wearing glasses they just look similar! :D

Well, we can see N's battle sprite on one of the pages, and I doubt they'd show an image of the champion battle. I'm pretty sure he'll show up at various points like a rival / evil team member. But who knows, he may become champion by the end, we don't know.

I'd say it's very possible that Cheren and Makomo are related. It does seem like a more realistic and friendly starting town for once =P
They have a lot of similarities that many users said previously.Im convinced too that Cheren is the son of Makomo.
According to google translate 「ぼくは チャンピオンを こえる」it means "I am beyond a champion."Maybe he is the principal rival ,the most threatening,the most strong.Like Ash and Paul and not Ash and Barry.
just because they both wear the same glasses, doesnt mean there bothe related
though they do look very alike
I think that Cheren is not the direct son of Makomo, but maybe a sibbling. I think GF is getting tired of all these "parents and children" since Palmer and Barry.
It would make a lot of sense, how theyre both involved with pokemon. They could even make a twist and have Prof. Araragi youre mother o.0. But it would make sense (repeat lol sorry) Like how the mother encourages the son. Remember DPP? Dawn's father was the prof. assistant too. Oh crapz, then maybe Cheren will be the little helper (with an attitude). NOOOOOOO!!!!! I was just starting to like Cheren!
I can totally see it. They both have the same hair color, and their glasses look similar too. I rather like the idea of those two being mother/son. Let's just hope he's not Mr. McHelper.

As for Professor Araragi being the player's mother...meh. That idea doesn't roll with me. But we'll see.
Jabberwocky said:
I can totally see it. They both have the same hair color, and their glasses look similar too. I rather like the idea of those two being mother/son. Let's just hope he's not Mr. McHelper.

As for Professor Araragi being the player's mother...meh. That idea doesn't roll with me. But we'll see.

Just looking at Cheren's picture, he kinda has a sciency face going on :eek:

It doesn't really make much sense that Araragi is your mum, but, it's only speculation. It's mostly for fun, not really to be taken seriously :D
I was going to vote no.....but they look awfully I voted yes in the end.

The professor is rumoured to be your Mother? :eek: That's something new for sure.

Poor Beru is left out :( Hey maybe that big guy (next to umbreon) on the anime character sheet is her dad? He looks like the type who'd be against his daughter running off on a big adventure. (It's a long shot though..)
I can see it being true. I'm glad they are mixing things up with this game. It seems like this game is going to be a fresh start for the franchise.
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