Is Delcatty (PL) Needed in MewPerior?

Is Delcatty Needed?

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Obviously it's split down the middle I've seen people do well with 36 and 24, I guess it just comes to preference.
Wow...I'm amazed by the poll results! It is exactly 50/50! I'm going to go ahead and agree with peddles and say that the amount of energies that are played and whether or not Delcatty is used is completely up to the player's preference. Personally, I don't believe Delcatty is necessary because I have been Power Locked by Mesprit and Power Sprayed why to many times to keep track of and even with a high energy account, I have always gotten a good start.
Hahahahahaha! Only that guy knows what he was talking about? I can only say that in my whole life, two of my major decks (that means that I have playtested it for more than 100 times, no joking. Maybe not the second one but the first, yes) were: Salamence ex PK and Ryperior with Rayquaza C. Both uses the technique to discard cards from the deck to do massive damage. By my experience, I can only say that I use those pokemons in the middle of the game, where everything that I needed was on the field, because once I started attacking, I have high risk of getting the needed cards discarded. Trust me, it is impossible to really get delcatty if you goal is to start attacking with Mew on the second turn.

I totally agree with Aburame Yuki. I guess drawing a Turner would give me more damage than wait until getting Delcatty out. Unless, which might be a good idea, to put like a 3-3 line of delcatty, which will allow you to do like 200 per turn. Then, you have more chance to bring those out, as you are probably going to start with 1 or 2 skitties.

Yeah, exactly, take it from the group it has been created: for a full Ryperior deck, which will do a constant 100 damage with Delcatty by turn 4, as it is a stage 3. All that will give you enough time to get Delcatty out. Plus, it is a evolution deck, which will mostly include Bebes and things that are good for Evolutions. Compare it with Mewperior, which is a Basic deck, which will only include Pokemon Collectors, Great balls and other stuff to get basic out and fast. And, Oh my god! You do mostly 150 damage per turn and you still need to have a Garchomp C counter. And plus, by attaching three energies on it (maybe two with DCE) and loss damage output for mew.
I don't see how anyone can claim to "be the group that created it" Everyone just kinda started playing it at once right after the set came out. Its a straightforward modification of Rhycatty, so its not like it came out of nowhere like Sabelock or HOPE.

Since everyone is quite pointed on this subject, lets point out some things that everyone should be able to agree on:
1) The deck is faster with lots of energy and no delcatty to set up.
2) Delcatty makes your damage less random and therefore more consistent.

So there are good arguments for either. Just like peddles said, its personal preference.
I think that is what is intriguing about mew. Its not a set standard list. Individuals can modify it to their style and meta in play. Of course a commonality can be found in the builds, but each has its own take on what works.

To delcatty or not to delcatty, that is the question...ok sad Edgar Allan Pole spin.
^lol, that was Shakespeare...
amphachu said:
Really guys, watch people who consistently top cut with the deck, and pay attention to how they play it over the theorymon of "MOAR ENERGYZ MEENZ MOAR DMG!!!"
But... it does mean more damage. And that's the whole point of this deck, correct? Delcatty's just insanely easy snipe bait, and as Mew will be getting KO'd extremely often, that's not a good thing. Delcatty means a consistent 150, almost always 200 damage. However, there's a chance you will not get one out and also a chance that it won't even help. You'll OHKO almost everything anyways without Delcatty. And resources that you could devote to getting set up quickly are taken by wanting to set up Delcatty before you discard it.
The guy who posted this thread is asking which one is better, not if it can be playable or not. Stop saying that it depends on what do you like to play, or your style, or nanana... The point is to argue about which one is better. If Cypher (I think it is him who posted this thread) has an general idea of what he should put in his deck, he will not ask for help. It would be like saying:"I like pizza. Beach members, what should I buy: Pizza or hot dog (Does it has a space in between)?" Sure it is assuring to say:"Yeah, you can put whatever you want, it is personal preference." But it is better to tell him which one is better other than saying a worthless (kind of) sentence.
Well, I personally prefer pizza, unless it's one of those barbequed hotdogs dad and I make. Those are delicious~

Delcatty takes space but makes your damage output at 100 on proper turns. Too bad it's rather worthless against SPs, but it becomes another target to distract from your Mew. Judge could turn it fine in your favor with a Delcatty sitting there.

More energy means more damage against anything, plus it gives you more psychic energy. It's a bummer that a Mew and 6 energy becomes utterly disturbing after 2 turns, but it can't be helped sometimes.

Either way, a Mew player will find himself or herself with a loss due to a bad start. There's no avoiding it in a deck with a 60/80 HP basic for a main attacker that needs a non-aggresive turn with it active to get rolling.

I could have sworn "To be, or not to be" is Shakespearean.

It was shakespeare. I wanted to throw that one out to see who would bite. Weird sense of humor I guess.
By the way wang zitong, I don't know what was meant by the comment " a worthless sentence".
I believe Cypher answered in his above post what he was going with.
Well, I’ve read more posts, and I noticed some people complaining on how discarding cards makes it hard to get Delcatty in play. How many of you guys have read a list and found a simple solution in the form of Pokemon Rescue?

lol Palmer doesn’t give you a Pokemon right away. We’re going YGO style graveyard play here by taking advantage of losing Delcatty and Skitty.

This is in theory what it supposed to happen for a Mewperior player:
T-1: Start with Mew Prime, not with some skitties, and send Ryperior to the lost zone and bench 3 more with Collector.
T-2: Attack and KO a pokemon. One prize.
T-3: Pokemon rescue or Rescue energy to get the mew back. Attack. one prize.
T-4: Same.
T-5: Same.
T-6: Same.
T-7: Same. Win.
If you have ever thought about how a Mewperior player should do in a battle, you will mostly say that Delcatty isn t worth it. For the very simple reason that discarding cards makes you get less chance to get the needed cards. Same for Rescue Energies and Pokemon rescue... not only Delcatty. the Goal is to get to draw three of them, and you can keep this for 7 turns. For this deck to win, you have to discard half of your deck, which means 5x6=30 cards. I don t know but half of you rescues and Pokemon rescues is going to be in your discard pile (it depends too). And, are you seriously going to play two of your precious Pokemon rescues on a Delcatty? I guess not.
@LXF, I'd definitely prefer to spend much-needed recovery resources on my Mew that will be getting OHKO'd nearly every turn. It makes it much easier to keep getting OHKOs back instead of a wasted turn.
I think delcatty is usefull if you want to slim down your energy, whereas if your running alot of energy it isnt needed.
Well does everyone agree that Blaze FB X is needed as a DGX counter? Without a counter any deck that can manage to get a DGX out takes an auto win. You may need to use resources to get discarded Blazikens back. And even then, how easy is it to get out in time? I don't mean to change subjects, but reading all this has got my brain churning.
^Yes, a DGX counter is an absolute necessity. I don't care for Blaze FB though. Any deck with DGX is going to have garchomp in it, so they'll just snipe your basic Blaze FB.