Is it Mewbox still viable?

Celebi23 said:
Yanmega is still okay. It's a key part of Mewbox, so I'd keep it in there. Empoleon won't come out for awhile, so I'd hold off on that. Unless you're running Water Energy, nothing makes Empoleon better than Jumpluff anyway. If you're not running Water, it's actually worse because you don't get the second attack. You really only need one Jumpluff though.

I am running Rainbow Energy and will be adding Prism Energy, and I also have 3 Grass Energy. Also, what line of Yanmega Prime should I run? 3-3, like I am doing, or should I cut it down to a 2-2 line?
IMO, Mewbox is somewhat viable. I think it would be better as a speed Mew deck. If you get a few Mewtwo EXs you can hit for very heavy damage each turn. This deck would also destroy Mewtwo EX variants.
petertclo said:
Mewtwo EX-variants would just use other things to 1-hit your Mew Prime.

But you can one shot their entire deck. LZ a Jumpluff and they pretty much lose. You also win the prize race because Mew=1Prize and Mewtwo EX=2 Prizes.
iisnumber12 said:
IMO, Mewbox is somewhat viable. I think it would be better as a speed Mew deck. If you get a few Mewtwo EXs you can hit for very heavy damage each turn. This deck would also destroy Mewtwo EX variants.

Do you mind giving out or linking to a speed Mew deck?
Speed Mew is also an okay deck (played as a Stage 1 deck, generally with Yanmega or Tornadus, plus other attackers.) It's not Mewbox, though. It focuses on fast, cheap prizes, not on trainer locking.
iisnumber12 said:
But you can one shot their entire deck. LZ a Jumpluff and they pretty much lose. You also win the prize race because Mew=1Prize and Mewtwo EX=2 Prizes.


No way. How can you 1-shot a Tornadus with Jumpluff? Your opponent is not going to put out 5 benched Pokemon just because they can.
For anyone interested in rebuilding Mewbox, here's a decklist I came up for it:

Pokemon (19)

4 Mew Prime
4-4 Yanmega Prime
2 Terrakion NV
2 Jumpluff HS
2 Vanilluxe NV
1 Pichu HS

Trainers/Supporters (25)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Copycat
4 Judge
4 Junk Arm
3 Revive
3 Level Ball
2 Pokemon Catcher
1 Flower Shop Lady

Energies (16)

4 Rainbow Energy
4 Prism Energy
3 Rescue Energy
3 Fighting
2 Psychic

Deck Total: 60

Vanilluxe NV is in here so you can Double Freeze with Mew after you See Off Vanilluxe and get Paralyzation off quickly. I thought of going with 2 Mewtwo EX for this list but I figured why not run a 2nd Pokemon to use for LZ fodder besides Jumpluff for Mass Attack? Plus Mew Prime can hit for just as much damage as Mewtwo EX with Mass Attack and a full bench.
Is 4-4 Yanmega Prime really needed? Also you could do a 1/1 split of Vanilluxe NV/Chandelure ND based off of matchups. I'm not sure how I feel about Judge because it could put you into a position where you are stuck without draw. Unlike Yanmega/Magnezone decks where you have Magnetic Draw. Revive seems unnecessary since you run maxed lines of your two main attackers. I'd swap those for Communications. I assume Psychics are for seeing off purposes but you get kinda stuck as that energy can't really do much else in this deck.
The Yoshi said:
I think he meant using Vanilluxe in the Lost Zone, silly. XP

Yeah, I know. Vanniluxe's attack is pointless with no Victini or trainer lock.
Old Mewbox actually did run Vileplume. However, I agree that without a bigger focus on it like with Refliptini its not a useful tech (and me, hating flips, would tell you never to use it ever again and don't even think of it, but...)
Okay, I was on PlayTCG and I saw this really interesting Mew varient. It used Eels to accelerate and mew to get Magnezones out. Could this deck be viable?
Gistica said:
Okay, I was on PlayTCG and I saw this really interesting Mew varient. It used Eels to accelerate and mew to get Magnezones out. Could this deck be viable?

Oddly enough, I had the same idea once, so I built it. I didn't play it for very long but it's a decent idea, if not with Magnezone maybe with something else, since I actually really like the idea of Mew/Eels. The only problem is that one of the major bonuses to Magnezone is Magnetic Draw. However, with the EX's, OHKOing Magnezone isn't as hard, not to mention Terrakion, so Mew's small HP isn't as big a deal.
Cinema said:
Oddly enough, I had the same idea once, so I built it. I didn't play it for very long but it's a decent idea, if not with Magnezone maybe with something else, since I actually really like the idea of Mew/Eels. The only problem is that one of the major bonuses to Magnezone is Magnetic Draw. However, with the EX's, OHKOing Magnezone isn't as hard, not to mention Terrakion, so Mew's small HP isn't as big a deal.

The only matchup that gets hurt is the MTC one because Tornadus will OHKO you every turn.
^That's why I prefer Jumpluff variants. Leaf Guard allows you to 2HKO Tornadus/Thundurus without being OHKO'd yourself. It helps immensely.
festizzio said:
^That's why I prefer Jumpluff variants. Leaf Guard allows you to 2HKO Tornadus/Thundurus without being OHKO'd yourself. It helps immensely.

They will usually have a PlusPower or a way to OHKO you.
27th_wonder said:
who knows?

it can be slaughtered by mewtwo, but it does gain level ball and prism energy from ND, so it's still playable.

Are you like oblivious? I'm pretty sure Mewtwo gets "slaughtered" by Mew. God man, you shouldn't comment when you can't observe weakness's on cards.

Sure he has issues with CMT, but honestly, with a good list it can easily ravage the meta with some good decks and patience.
iisnumber12 said:
They will usually have a PlusPower or a way to OHKO you.

Hmm yeah I suppose you're right. My build is different than most Mews I guess; I don't have to worry about that at all. Also, if you decide to run Eviolite, then there's no way they can OHKO you without sending a Mewtwo out, which you will promptly OHKO right back. I actually think Eviolite might be a decent tech.

Also, don't most CMT run just 2 PlusPowers or so? Seems like it would be difficult for them to have it exactly when they need it.