Is it Mewbox still viable?

festizzio said:
^That's why I prefer Jumpluff variants. Leaf Guard allows you to 2HKO Tornadus/Thundurus without being OHKO'd yourself. It helps immensely.

Why use Leaf Guard? What's the point of 2HKOing each other when you could be OHKOing each other, but they need more energy? Am I missing something?
Dark Void said:
Why use Leaf Guard? What's the point of 2HKOing each other when you could be OHKOing each other, but they need more energy? Am I missing something?

Agreed, catcher would make it pointless to use leafguard and there is no point of using leaf guard other than stretching the game out, if you're lucky.
Except you can't OHKO them. They're not going to give you that 5th Pokemon you need to hit 110 damage. Also, if they're using catcher to get around Leaf Guard, then you still have your main Mew and can KO them next turn. But it still forces them to either have the Catcher or PlusPower and use it, so in a way it's limiting their options. If they don't have those, then you denied them a prize. In any case, it forces them to look for a nonsearchable, specific card in their deck that they may waste resources/supporters trying to grab.
Does actually anyone here know that Mewbox/Meesiemew got top 8 in the ECC?
The deck is amazing, Only bad matchup is CMT.
You only use Leaf Guard when you can KO their Active. Using Mass Attack on a Pokemon with 10-30 HP left is pointless, so why not potentially protect yourself from a KO?