Is luxray needed in Gyarados?

If you have it or can borrow one, it makes a big difference. If not, no need to pay 90 dollars for a tech, but it is pretty important and can win games.
Gyarados does not need Luxray, I acually prefer not to run it. I run Pokemon Revearsal which I like a lot in the deck.
Just takes up too much space imo, but then again I don't run crobat g and thus no turns so it obv doesn't make sense in my list.

If you do run turns though, I'd say put it in, it's essentially a couple of free kills, but don't expect it to win matches or anything, even if you drag out a vileplume or regice or something, they'll probs run warp energy so just use it to bring out a weakling to keep up a prize a turn kinda game
Meh. I even own one, and I don't run it in my Gyrados list. I don't find it needed at all. If anything, it's space that can be used for consistancy. Consistancy wins games more than Lux X does, in my opinion.
i run gdos, but dont use luxray because i need the space on the bench, so it is not really worth it and i have survived without it
I don't think dragging up vileplumes is that important because trainers aren't that important to gyarados anymore. Mew+chomp X and rescue energy are as good or better ways to recover gyarados IMO.
Now I'm playing the deck without Lux, I find that it is just hard to setup. So no
It is important, but not important enough to sacrifice consistency for it. In mine, I only play 1-1 lux, 1 bat and 3 poketurns. A very thin line, and I already have 3 Bebe's, 4 communication and 1 luxuray ball so it's not cutting anything that important.
I play 2 bat, 2 poketurn. I gained consistency when I removed 1-1 lux and a turn. I'd say it's more important to have consistency. The main thing it could be used for would be bringing out Vileplume, but since your under trainer lock. It is even harder.
One time I actually used it to bring up a benched gengar prime that could cause problems and I killed it. But yeah it also helps against luxchomp since you can snipe their lucario after one use.
It is not needed, I didn't use it in my list, I would prefer to just add more speed to the deck, Luxray just makes it inconsistent, there are better options like Special Darks so you can donk with Sableye. EDIT: Oh 1500 posts...
SP darks? What popular 50 HP basics are there anymore? That you would have more than 1-2 in your deck? And Id rather have luxray AND a ton of speed. I get a turn 2 and sometimes a turn 1 gyarados alot of the time doing 90.
Yeah, I think it helps. If you get your Gyarados KO'd then you can snipe with it. Luxray also helps against trainer lock for obvious reasons.
I like Luxray. It helps my Gengar matchup a ton and snags prizes against Donphan/wutever. 2 empty spots? In goes Luxray.

i didnt run it, but then the night before cities, i put it in, and ended up taking second at that cities with a lot of help from it, so yes