Pokemon Is Pokemon Dead In The UK

Is Pokemon as a whole dead

  • Its Dead

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • The Video game is dead

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • the TCG is dead

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Its not dead but not fully alive

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Its Not dead, its alive and kicking

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
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Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
I just feel pokemon is dead over here. No tournaments for the TCG, if there is its rarely. No events for the Video game. Its that bad I think the Darkrai Movie just premiered on Jetix not even CN unless they have already done it.

Who thinks the same?

Btw is it the same for the whole of Europe?
The UK is a small area, and it's weird for Pokémon to even go there in the first place. It's just not worth it for Pokémon to waste it's money going over to the UK if it can make more money in the US. Take a boat to some place with tournaments or something. DF111 and Dark Marc are both from Europe, so maybe you could ask them.
Yeah I know but I would rather spend that money on my annual holidays either at the destination or to go on an entirely new trip. Also my parents would see that as a waste of time going all the way to the US to play pokemon.
I met a British TCG player last Sunday, I'm pretty sure he must have had a league and everything there. (He also won the tournament, BTW)

I think the Channel is your biggest problem, really. The rest of Europe tends to travel between different countries for the bigger tournaments (at least, the better players), which keeps the TCG active in general. You guys need to take the Eurostar, which can get quite expensive.

Are you absolutely sure there's not a league anywhere near where you live? Because they are sometimes pretty hard to find. Just keep looking :O

Flygon Jedi Master, profit is profit, if you had $2000, would you not do a little more effort to get to $2200?
And Pokémon is everywhere in Europe, just see Europe as a region, with the countries as states or something. Doesn't look small and insignificant anymore now, does it?
Yh there is sometimes in the summer but they are full of children as the rest of the child generation is probably playing yu-gi-oh. There is very little amount of people who play pokemon as I see it in the UK.
Flygon Jedi Master said:
The UK is a small area, and it's weird for Pokémon to even go there in the first place.

Lol. xD
Why exactly is it weird?
Pokemon is gaining popularity here (I know a lot of people who have gotten back into the game recently and really enjoy it.), so surely it could only be a wise decision for pokemon games to be sold here?

It's just not worth it for Pokémon to waste it's money going over to the UK if it can make more money in the US.

Logic Fail.

Can you explain to me how more of their games being sold means that they'd be wasting money? Surely they can only be gaining it. =/

Exactly how would it be "not worth it"? I'd imagine that the cost of sending pokemon over here is very small compared to the profit made, so it would be very "worth it" in order for pokemon to make more money.

Take a boat to some place with tournaments or something. DF111 and Dark Marc are both from Europe, so maybe you could ask them.[/color]

I really don't know what to say to this.
Take a boat? To America? =/

Pokemon is not dead here. Slowly, it's becoming better.
If there was any time it was dead, I would have said it was around the Ruby/Sapphire time. Many pokemon fans stopped playing then, and there was practically no events for pokemon.
I can see what you mean though. The nearest events to me happen about three hours away, so I never bother. =P
But hopefully things will get better.
Yeh I just hope it makes a recovery from its fall and starts to be recognised as the good franchise it is.
Ever since the Dakrai event in the UK last year, pokemon has accuately been gaining back its right in the UK. It kinda fell when ruby/sapphires Great leap came through.
I mean come on. I never saw one advert for Emerald here. XD;
but yes, its comming back, the only thing I dont see much of is the TCG - ( I mean I see them for sale allot, but not events )
Yeh me to, never evern seen the TCG advertised. Even if you go Hamleys a booster pack is like 4 pounds or 8 dollars. No wonder pokemon is geting unpopular as the prices are just disgraceful. Even woolworths has gone making less shops that actually sell pokemon cards.
Pokemon is not dead in the UK ( yes i'm from the UK) I have a group of freinds who like pokemon, Though I do think the anime is dead in the UK as it is #1 reason for bullys and no one really watches it. Theres only three shops in my town which sell the TCG and there all in the town center, which is about and hour & a half walk from my house, and I cant do the walk as there are too many main roads to cross, however at all 3 shops the cards are only £2.50 a pack and £10 a tins, so well worth the wait for the weekend, I used to see the TCG adverts on CITV but they dont seem to be on there anymore. Darn Gogo's crazybones seem to have taken over after pokemon died ( I do collect Gogo's though.) So yes pokemon is not dead but not alive either.
kashmaster said:
I just feel pokemon is dead over here. No tournaments for the TCG, if there is its rarely. No events for the Video game. Its that bad I think the Darkrai Movie just premiered on Jetix not even CN unless they have already done it.

Who thinks the same?

Btw is it the same for the whole of Europe?

yes i live in england many people like it is one of the biggest games all over for 10-15 year olds right now cuz its not advertised and all we have is serebii.net to get info we were never told about any movies or anything till friend of friends start tellin each other bout da site :(
Its true, RPG has hit here on a huge scale. Also the variety of things you can do will interest any rpg gamer. But since platinum is coming out the hype should go up again. As I remember in yr 9 for me everyone was like in my class what pokemon you got, did you choose torterra,empoleon or infernape?
But since then they have discovered girls, fighting and how knows what else?
I live in the UK and in my Opinion pokemon is far from dead, although I do agree that this is a huge problem of what they are or might be doing for the 5th generation but I do still agree that there is much more game Idea's for Nintendo to grasp.
Yeah but I do think they maybe running out of pokemon ideas, come on electical appliances whats next a flying cheese?
In my opinion, Pokemon is dead everwhere accept Japan, And Ohio. The new england area also has a good amount of players.
I wouldn't say Pokemon is dead in the UK, but it isn't as popular as it used to be back when it first came out. I guess it's mainly because of the lack of advertisiing (apart from when you rarely see adverts about the new sets) and it gets harder to find reliable shops that sell trading cards. I guess most people see it as a waste of money "£3 for 10 cards?!" so don't bother buying the cards.

For me in my case, i find it hard to attending tourneys that are actually near my area. London isn't exactly brimming with pokemon fanatics, but you do find that one group who have been playing pokemon for years and yet live in London (like myself). Don't forget about Sami sekkoum he made it too worlds last year as well so TCG is still alive in London...for now.
I totally agree with you, im 12 and I live in the UK and even I recognise that, look at the USA, they got all the pokemon events and they get the games before us, and look at the UK, pokemon is as still as a statue here. I think partly of the reason is there are a lot more people there than here. It would be cool to get people's opinions from the USA.
I think pokemon should team up with gogo's crazybones and make loads of little pokemon figures, every time a gogo's set comes out there is UBER MEGA HYPE with the younger people *shifty eyes*( and me...) and so It may get some new people interested in it, or pokemon need some big marketing campain, something to get some hype up.
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