Pokemon Is the 4th generation overrated?

Is the 4th generation overrated?

  • Totally!! Its just the same as any other reigon!

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Nope - It deserves to be as it is

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Yes and No

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The 4th generation IS not overrated. It deserves the amount of sales they get.

First of all, online battling is very important, and it is what made this game to what is it today. Also, the sales are high, because all previous pokemon games were a success. The amount of sales are really predictable, and with the new online battling and trading system, I believe they REALLY deserve it.
FireMeowth said:
SixaxiS said:
- As said before, the Hokkaido province.
Every region is based of a part of Japan. Also, for lack of inspiration, see the region Kanto, based on the Kanto region in Japan.

- Dialga and Palkia are clearly named after Diamond and Pearl.
...So? Of course they are.

- Leafeon. come on, they didn't even bother thinking of a less obvious name...
Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Glaceon. They're just as obvious.

- Thinking of evolutions for 1st gen pokémon.
Evolutions for old Pokémon = WIN! Especially since the 1st Gen Pokémon mostly suck.

...The 4th Generation is obviously the best as of yet. The Pokémon are awesome, the region is epic, and the characters even better. ^-^

(This post can be counted as a "My favorite region is Sinnoh, obviously. 10/10"post.)

Excuse me but the 1st generation was excellent. It started history of pokemon otherwise there would be no pokemon!
But you have to admit there are stupid baby pokemon like Budew I mean why the heck did they need that, they didn't!
Dark Marc said:
But you have to admit there are stupid baby pokemon like Budew I mean why the heck did they need that, they didn't!

I don't disagree with you, in fact I agree, let me take an example:

In the Sinnoh Dex the 151, there are no newly made fire types apart from the starters. However after the league Heatran and Magmortar are fires that are newly made but no new fire types in the 151! And fire is supposed to be the main type...
I've said it quite a lot, they should've stopped creating Pokémon after gen2, that's where the decline began (it's also when Satoshi and Ken weren't the only ones to design Pokémon anymore). Sure, there's some cool stuff in there, but most of it is sub-par to say the least. I find myself ditching my stater and mostly catching gen 1 Pokémon in DP ._.

GSC are in my opinion the best Pokémon games to date (and actually end up on my list of favourite games of all time), and has a cool list of Pokémon. Not the best ones ever made, but not the worst either, it was really a perfect addition.

RBY are great games, with the best Pokémon to date, everything in this region just feels natural. This generation is the definition of awesome, be it nostalgia or just plain genius.

RSE, now, these are games I didn't really like, none of the gym leaders felt interesting, most of the Pokémon didn't feel like Pokémon (most of them still don't), and there were really no awesome Pokémon, spare a few exceptions (like, 4 or 5 max), but even those are not at all a match for any Pokémon in generation 1. The overload of legendaries also started here, changing them from something special to something way too common. I've probably seen more legends than magikarp while playing the game...

DP IMO went ahead and repaired some of the damage, IMO. There are some pretty sweet Pokémon in this gen, but most of them still aren't anywhere near as good and original as gen1/2, and some are downright abysmal (looking at stuff like Glameow ._.). I don't hate DP, but that doesn't make it good...
The fact that it's obviously based on a region isn't that big a deal, it's how you use the concept to create something good, and they didn't do a terrible job at it.

To be honest, after replaying Blue and Gold not too long ago, I can honestly say I enjoy those games more than any of the recent games, way more.
They also had a decent storyline (or whatever you wish to call it), not based on some silly team trying to take over the world (of course!) and trying to catch some random legendary to do it for them. Sure, RBYGSC had Team Rocket, but it was actually a decent team, with a decent objective, doing some decent experiments and most importantly of all, it didn't feel like the team was made just so you could beat it. The games after the 1st 2 gens just used the same concepts again and again, and there's a point where beating a dead horse becomes more than just sickening.
Also, how many evil organisations based on a certain theme with a bizarre sense of fashion and the desire to catch a random legendary can there possibly be?

About the fashion sense, black outfits and masks makes perfect sense, red outfits with COWHORNS, not so much. And then there's of course Team Galactic...

DP brought online, though, and I guess that's kind of important. I still prefer simulators, though.
raichupika33 said:
Excuse me but the 1st generation was excellent. It started history of pokemon otherwise there would be no pokemon!

...Well, I just prefer the newer Pokémon. The old Pokémon are boring. >:
FireMeowth said:
...Well, I just prefer the newer Pokémon. The old Pokémon are boring. >:

You are NOT a Pokémon fan! :( (not a true fan at least)
TehQiGl said:
kashmaster said:
Well everyone hates sinnoh as they gave us little pokemon, non orignal ideas and gave to many pokemon that cant be used also it doesnt have that sparkle hoeen and johto have. But one good thing is Empoleon and infernape and also cresselia lol

That is "d" dumbest generalization I have ever heard. : P Lots of people enjoy, and if they didn't, why were the sales so great?

Also, to SixaxiS: What do you mean they have little inspiration left? :| Look at the Pokemon movies; they draw settings from all over the world! They don't have to stay in Japan, they could move to all kinds of countries.

Rating for the regions?
Kanto 9/10 (I liked how diverse it was :3)
Johto 6/10 I didn't think the design of the region was amazing, other than the ice cave.
Hoenn 9/10 Maybe I just have a fond attachment, but I do like this region a lot.
Sinnoh 8/10 (I like the huge mountain and the land of snow! Very cool design wise)

How is that the stupidest generilisation you have ever heard. It is true to the fact that Sinnoh is full of un-orginal pokemon such as: Combee, now most would see that as person (a flying honey comb), tonnes of baby pokemon, they are not even needed and the immense amount of legendaries, atleast give us legendaries we can all use as they must of heard of a general tier list and how everybody doesnt use massive legendaries.

They did ruin the pokemon frachise with all these blemishes, btw your a bit happy over pokemon, atleast understand where pokemon has gone wrong.

Id much rather have a cool scizor than a budew/bonsly
kashmaster said:
TehQiGl said:
kashmaster said:
Well everyone hates sinnoh as they gave us little pokemon, non orignal ideas and gave to many pokemon that cant be used also it doesnt have that sparkle hoeen and johto have. But one good thing is Empoleon and infernape and also cresselia lol

That is "d" dumbest generalization I have ever heard. : P Lots of people enjoy, and if they didn't, why were the sales so great?

Also, to SixaxiS: What do you mean they have little inspiration left? :| Look at the Pokemon movies; they draw settings from all over the world! They don't have to stay in Japan, they could move to all kinds of countries.

Rating for the regions?
Kanto 9/10 (I liked how diverse it was :3)
Johto 6/10 I didn't think the design of the region was amazing, other than the ice cave.
Hoenn 9/10 Maybe I just have a fond attachment, but I do like this region a lot.
Sinnoh 8/10 (I like the huge mountain and the land of snow! Very cool design wise)

How is that the stupidest generilisation you have ever heard. It is true to the fact that Sinnoh is full of un-orginal pokemon such as: Combee, now most would see that as person (a flying honey comb), tonnes of baby pokemon, they are not even needed and the immense amount of legendaries, atleast give us legendaries we can all use as they must of heard of a general tier list and how everybody doesnt use massive legendaries.

They did ruin the pokemon frachise with all these blemishes, btw your a bit happy over pokemon, atleast understand where pokemon has gone wrong.

Id much rather have a cool scizor than a budew/bonsly

Many Pokemon are created for a more cute factor; why would we have Pikachu as the star of the franchise? I swear, if Pikachu or even Clefairy (who was to be originally intended as the star) wasn't the faceplate of Pokemon, there probably wouldn't be half the fanbase. So Combee and other "baby" Pokemon are often created for the cuteness factor and for merchandising. I, a girl, play the franchise, and I can definitely tell you that while the stronger Pokemon are definitely cool, cuter Pokemon are far more appealing to look at and I would definitely spend more money on a plush of, say, Budew, than I would have Magmortar or Scizor. This is most likely why Jakks does not have incredible sales, as they aren't focusing on Pokemon that fans would buy to collect or because they look cute. :| So, generally, that's my opinion on why the cuter Pokemon exist, which is to entertain the product merchandising outfit of the Pokemon franchise.

I am Pokemon happy (oh, say it isn't so!), and I definitely acknowledge Pokemon's very minor blemishes. But, since I try to look at the whole franchise from a different standpoint than a prepubescent boy, I might get a different impression. I believe Pokemon is an exemplarary idea of a video game, card game, anime and franchise aimed towards children and people of all ages. It was definitely a highly original and successful idea; why would so many anime and games spawn from the same concept? But, since Pokemon is a forerunner in these revolutionary video game concepts, it needs to be allowed a little room to mess up. It's a pioneer, and I simply appreciate the addictive gameplay, the FANTASTIC character design (yes, every generation has great character designs! they are all equally fun and interesting, although some people have nostalgia for more than others), and the idea that Pokemon can easily evolve and change! Yes, Pokemon dares the fans to adapt to changes in each game; new Pokemon, new tech, new gym leaders, new lands. It's all so exciting and engaging, and each game is so flawlessly done in a highly addictive formula; I don't exactly know how you can't love each one.

This all seems to be about the matter of change in the franchise; Perhaps change isn't exciting for some of the people; perhaps adding "unecessary Pokemon" doesn't add anything to your gameplay value, but try and at least look over the few mistakes and appreciate the games for the intuitive things they are.

Kanto: 6/10
Once you set aside the nostalgia, and realize that this is the generation that brought us Tauros, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Slowbro, Exeggutor, and Golduck, as well as other equally forgettable and lackluster Pokemon, it seems significantly more average.

Johto: 6/10
The games were good, but I didn't find the storylines and Pokemon to be that inspired.

Hoenn: 8/10
Brought us some interesting Pokemon, the first starter I actually particularly wanted, as opposed to "Meh, it's better than the other two", as well as some interesting concepts and innovations. Natures and abilities, much?

Sinnoh: 9.2/10
I for one actually like the mythology in Pokemon, and DP threw in a whole lot more of it. Team Galactic was interesting, because for the first time, we got a truly evil villain with motivations and goals that made sense, and were shown enough. Also, each generation seemed to have a unique 'style' of Pokemon, and the 4th gen Pokemon are quite similar to the better 1st gen Pokemon, without really being ripoffs.
Vergere said:
we got a truly evil villain with motivations and goals that made sense

"Let us destroy the galaxy and create a new one with the power of unreliably strong pokémon we can't even control ourselves!!!"

That DOES make sense! :eek:

TehQiGl said:
kashmaster said:
TehQiGl said:
kashmaster said:
Well everyone hates sinnoh as they gave us little pokemon, non orignal ideas and gave to many pokemon that cant be used also it doesnt have that sparkle hoeen and johto have. But one good thing is Empoleon and infernape and also cresselia lol

That is "d" dumbest generalization I have ever heard. : P Lots of people enjoy, and if they didn't, why were the sales so great?

Also, to SixaxiS: What do you mean they have little inspiration left? :| Look at the Pokemon movies; they draw settings from all over the world! They don't have to stay in Japan, they could move to all kinds of countries.

Rating for the regions?
Kanto 9/10 (I liked how diverse it was :3)
Johto 6/10 I didn't think the design of the region was amazing, other than the ice cave.
Hoenn 9/10 Maybe I just have a fond attachment, but I do like this region a lot.
Sinnoh 8/10 (I like the huge mountain and the land of snow! Very cool design wise)

How is that the stupidest generilisation you have ever heard. It is true to the fact that Sinnoh is full of un-orginal pokemon such as: Combee, now most would see that as person (a flying honey comb), tonnes of baby pokemon, they are not even needed and the immense amount of legendaries, atleast give us legendaries we can all use as they must of heard of a general tier list and how everybody doesnt use massive legendaries.

They did ruin the pokemon frachise with all these blemishes, btw your a bit happy over pokemon, atleast understand where pokemon has gone wrong.

Id much rather have a cool scizor than a budew/bonsly

Many Pokemon are created for a more cute factor; why would we have Pikachu as the star of the franchise? I swear, if Pikachu or even Clefairy (who was to be originally intended as the star) wasn't the faceplate of Pokemon, there probably wouldn't be half the fanbase. So Combee and other "baby" Pokemon are often created for the cuteness factor and for merchandising. I, a girl, play the franchise, and I can definitely tell you that while the stronger Pokemon are definitely cool, cuter Pokemon are far more appealing to look at and I would definitely spend more money on a plush of, say, Budew, than I would have Magmortar or Scizor. This is most likely why Jakks does not have incredible sales, as they aren't focusing on Pokemon that fans would buy to collect or because they look cute. :| So, generally, that's my opinion on why the cuter Pokemon exist, which is to entertain the product merchandising outfit of the Pokemon franchise.

I am Pokemon happy (oh, say it isn't so!), and I definitely acknowledge Pokemon's very minor blemishes. But, since I try to look at the whole franchise from a different standpoint than a prepubescent boy, I might get a different impression. I believe Pokemon is an exemplarary idea of a video game, card game, anime and franchise aimed towards children and people of all ages. It was definitely a highly original and successful idea; why would so many anime and games spawn from the same concept? But, since Pokemon is a forerunner in these revolutionary video game concepts, it needs to be allowed a little room to mess up. It's a pioneer, and I simply appreciate the addictive gameplay, the FANTASTIC character design (yes, every generation has great character designs! they are all equally fun and interesting, although some people have nostalgia for more than others), and the idea that Pokemon can easily evolve and change! Yes, Pokemon dares the fans to adapt to changes in each game; new Pokemon, new tech, new gym leaders, new lands. It's all so exciting and engaging, and each game is so flawlessly done in a highly addictive formula; I don't exactly know how you can't love each one.

This all seems to be about the matter of change in the franchise; Perhaps change isn't exciting for some of the people; perhaps adding "unecessary Pokemon" doesn't add anything to your gameplay value, but try and at least look over the few mistakes and appreciate the games for the intuitive things they are.

Thanks for the indepth review of the pokemon franchise. We are looking for flaws in the sinnoh region mainly and I see that the baby pokemon has a huge one. They can of course aim at little kids but thats what pikachu is for, there is no need for new pokemon. Also since they know most of their fanbase is is nearer the older generation it would be better for them to satisfy their needs.

My conclusion is that sinnoh is way too overated it is not that good design wise as they could of done so much better and also very thew pokemon are inovating, orginal design that would 'lure' in the consumer

I did not really enjoy RBY because of the graphic,audio,and gameplay. But things were sorted out with Fire Red and Leaf Green, which I enjoyed alot.

GSC was a pretty deep game to me, more secrets, more puzzles, not to mention more gym leaders where you can take your team out for a challenge, and also rebattling trainer turns out so well.

RSE does not have great maps, deep/senseful plot, but what shines in that generation should be the fun stuffs it brings like PokeBlocks, Beauty Contest(=.=) and such.

I haven't played the 4th generation,DPPt, but I was not statisfied with the pokemons in that generation, either its the name or the design, they're just awful.

Conclusion: the 3rd generation had poor maps and puzzle, lesser deep plots for the legendaries, and making them more common.
Vergere said:

Kanto: 6/10
Once you set aside the nostalgia, and realize that this is the generation that brought us Tauros, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Slowbro, Exeggutor, and Golduck, as well as other equally forgettable and lackluster Pokemon, it seems significantly more average.
The most groundbreaking game of the Pokemon series is lackluster? Those Pokemon are still the most interesting and have the best designs. The gym leaders and locations were the best and most remembered. As far as I'm concerned, this is the only game that got the whole "Team [Word]" right.

Vergere said:
Johto: 6/10
The games were good, but I didn't find the storylines and Pokemon to be that inspired.
This game can be in the same category as Red, Blue, and Yellow because the story from the original game was expanded upon. The same team, the same region. Furthermore, it balanced out the dominance of the Psychic-type. These Pokemon had designs equally as good as Diamond and Pearl. Most of the gym leaders in this generation were memorable.

Vergere said:
Hoenn: 8/10
Brought us some interesting Pokemon, the first starter I actually particularly wanted, as opposed to "Meh, it's better than the other two", as well as some interesting concepts and innovations. Natures and abilities, much?
I hate to burst your bubble, but it's pretty unanimous that the 3rd generation had the worst Pokemon designs. Only a few gym leaders in this generation are noteworthy and the locations were pretty bland. Double battling was a major new concept in the series, which this generation is most noted for.

Vergere said:
Sinnoh: 9.2/10
I for one actually like the mythology in Pokemon, and DP threw in a whole lot more of it. Team Galactic was interesting, because for the first time, we got a truly evil villain with motivations and goals that made sense, and were shown enough. Also, each generation seemed to have a unique 'style' of Pokemon, and the 4th gen Pokemon are quite similar to the better 1st gen Pokemon, without really being ripoffs.
This is a good generation with its excellent Pokemon designs and new split between physical and special attacks. Once again, the gym leaders were mostly forgettable. The locations aren't as memorable as the originals, but they are visually superior.

Overall, it feels like you have the new ones fresh in your mind and you are basing them off of how they would be received now. The graphics are better, the sound quality is better, but that doesn't make it a better game. As we saw in the third generation, old games can demolish the new ones in the form of a remake. If all of these games were on the same platform, your ratings would be much different.

I would say that the 1st generation has the best Pokemon designs, with the 2nd and 4th generations being a close 2nd and 3rd. The 3rd generation does have some memorable Pokemon, but as a percentage, fails compared to the other generations. Tauros, Mr. Mime, and Jynx, etc. may not be memorable to you; however, these Pokemon are still considered to be popular.

From a competitive aspect, they might be outclassed now but in previous generations they were the cream of the crop. Since I've only played competitive (singles) on a DP simulator, I can't compare all of the generations. But I will say that DP has made the game a lot more offensive, which breaks the trend of the past two generations of leaning towards stall.
Ryuu7 said:
I did not really enjoy RBY because of the graphic,audio,and gameplay. But things were sorted out with Fire Red and Leaf Green, which I enjoyed alot.

GSC was a pretty deep game to me, more secrets, more puzzles, not to mention more gym leaders where you can take your team out for a challenge, and also rebattling trainer turns out so well.

RSE does not have great maps, deep/senseful plot, but what shines in that generation should be the fun stuffs it brings like PokeBlocks, Beauty Contest(=.=) and such.

I haven't played the 4th generation,DPPt, but I was not statisfied with the pokemons in that generation, either its the name or the design, they're just awful.

Conclusion: the 3rd generation had poor maps and puzzle, lesser deep plots for the legendaries, and making them more common.

The problem with RBY is that it was released in 1998, so it would'nt have the great graphics of today.
raichupika33 said:
The problem with RBY is that it was released in 1998, so it would'nt have the great graphics of today.

The problem is that kids these days just can't appreciate the early games because they didn't "live" them, you know? And if they can't appreciate the early games, they can't appreciate early generations.

Also, because they're younger, and have less life-experience, all they look at is what the game looks like, how pretty the colors and graphics are, so to speak. More experienced players remember the R/B/Y versions, so they feel the new games instead of just looking at them. Due to the Nintendo DS, and no acess to my older GBA, i can't play the Red/Blue versions anymore. But i swear to god, if i ever get the chance...

And don't give me any crud about FR/LG... They are NOT the same. Far from it actually >.<

SixaxiS said:
kids these days.
I sound like some old guy...
It's not overrated. People are saying it's overrated when it actually isn't. You can ask people who like the 4th Generation and they'll say it's not overrated.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
It's not overrated. People are saying it's overrated when it actually isn't. You can ask people who like the 4th Generation and they'll say it's not overrated.

Wait what?

If people aren't saying it's overrated, then why are people saying it now?