BW/BW2 Isshu Gym Leaders?

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I really wasn't much excited about Aloe being a Gym Leader... She just doesn't look like one to me! But then I just remember: BUROKKO! That Brocolli Chimp would be perfect for a Restaurant Grass Gym!!! ZOMG I'm SO sure of it now! :D

I can clearly see Aloe saying before battle starts:
I'm excited for the Bug Gym. Hopefully they make it hard by adding in very tough Bugs to the Fifth Generation. I'd love that cause I love bug Pokemon. And steel. And ground. And flying. :D
I really hope the gyms will be good. Since they're restricted to generation 5 monsters only, that means they have to balance every type of Pokémon unlike DP which only had 5 Fire types. 2 of those 5 were out of reach before the National Dex, which leaves us with 3. However, those 3 are one family. Worse is, they're the starter family. People who picked Turtwig or Piplup weren't even able to try out a new Fire type, which is a shame.

(also, before the smartass trolls come; I do not count Arceus as a Fire type.)
Aloe does not seem to fit the concept of grass type when you consider here conceptional design.She seems more oriented to the normal or ground type then grass.
ramsey1993 said:
i hate normal type gyms, horrible and boring

Dude, did you not have to go against Whitney? Seriously, that has always been the toughest gym that a lot of people complain about. I love it.
swimfastray said:
If the pictures above are indeed gyms then (starting from the top). . .

the first could be Makato's gym because he is described as a rich kid, or Aloe's gym considering she looks like a maid or chef

the second is a toss-up

the third could be Hayate's Ice Gym or possibly Nanami's Dark Gym

the fourth looks most likely to be a Bug gym (and I know most of us speculators were thinking that) but if the list is correct there's a possibility it is Yoko's Fire Gym.
Yeah, I wouldnt be surprise if that's actually Lava.
jirachizard98o said:
normal gyms are one of the hardest gyms because normal type pokemon learn moves of all types

And only have one weakness. FIGHTING.
Fighting-types are the bees knees, fool.
I don't care if there's too many (not sure if there are), but I want another Fighting-type Gym. :3
Zierant said:
Yeah, I wouldnt be surprise if that's actually Lava.

There are butterfly statues in that picture though. Unless they're lava butterflies.. lol that would be creepy.
You can't see them in THAT image but if you watch the video it's in/look at other images, they're there.
lava butterflys?? lolz.
well who knows?
maybe they made a fire/bug type butterfly?
that would be kinda cool :D
ramsey1993 said:
i hate normal type gyms, horrible and boring

well, normal types are the most numerous among all.

I guess there should be a normal-type gym once in a while

however, I wish there would be normal-type elite 4
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