James Cameron's Avatar

Excellent movie. Dare I say, best movie this year.

dmaster out.
Very, very good movie.

I was half expecting the end credits to be "Prepare for War" by Dragonforce lol
I heard it ripped off some stuff from Magic: The Gathering mainly with the planes in Zendikar. But besides that I heard that it's really best to see the movie in 3D IMAX to get the best idea of what the movie is really like.

The beautifully rendered backgrounds I hear were a part of the movie's best selling points, however there were some people arguing that in terms of CGI animation movies like Terminator Salvation and 2012 we're overall better than Avatar even though I haven't seen any of those movies.

One of the main complaints I have with CGI Animation is that there's still a "cartoony" feel to it that you expect it to be as real as possible but it's not. I haven't seen Avatar myself but that's what I'm hearing from other people lately.
I've seen Terminator and it is absolute crud compared to this environment and story wise.

dmaster out.
It was a good movie. DEFINITELY see it in 3-D. It's not pointless 3-D like when someone's finger pops out, or someone shoots a fire ball. The whole movie is in 3-D! It wasn't as good as Titanic, but it's definitely one of the best in 2009.
"lol" to those saying it's copying from Magic. Or anything, for that matter. Yes, it was a little like Pochahontas/Fern Gully, but this movie war written about 10 years ago. I highly recommend doing what I do before I see a movie; do research. Become as engrossed as you can. That really helped me appreciate the movie.
Im gonna see it today, yay for movie theaters, they're almost the only thing open :p christmas
I saw it yesterday(christmas FTW!!) and it was fantastic. I LOVED IT. I found how they defeated the human ships to be VERY smart, not just arrows make it go boom, but slowly took down the small ships and explosives in the propellers and engines and stuff. However, one thing got me. When that one black pilot(I keep wanting to call her Zoe but thats not her name) tells them they are not the biggest thing out there, that one red bird is. However, when she said that, she said it like it was a HUGE bird, but it was barely bigger than one of those small helicopters so...
What's the cliffhanger? *SPOILER STOP READING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT* Jake Sully is now an Avatar, that one lady is dead, the military guy is dead, and the people are now in peace to rebuild under awah or whatever the thing was called. Also, knowing James Cameron, a sequel in unlikely.

*edit* What I meant is that his "masterpieces" never seem to get sequels.
He's talked about sequel details. He's made sequels before...

dmaster out.
Juliacoolo said:
What's the cliffhanger? Jake Sully is now an Avatar, that one lady is dead, the military guy is dead, and the people are now in peace to rebuild under awah or whatever the thing was called. Also, knowing James Cameron, a sequel in unlikely.

I think I heard something about a sequel actually, and I think James Cameron is considering making this a trilogy.
Also, when you give away a massive spoiler(s) like that, you might want to put spoiler tags around it. Like this: *SPOILER* (Insert spoiler) *END SPOILER*
My stepdad and I went and saw it yesterday and we are already going back to see it with my mom and sister. It definitely changed my mind about which movie was the best of the year.
i don't like how the alien and the person. ya know.. just kinda weird considering he WAS STILL TECHNICALLY A PERSON >.>..

good movie otherwise