James Cameron's Avatar

I's a very good movie, the special effects are great, the 3D was awesome. I oughta say best film for the year. Lets put it this way: it will be winning a few awards.
Liked it a lot. Sure it's severely overhyped, but it was fantastic fun. Effects and animation was immense, and storyline was gripping. Overall a very nice movie, and yeah prolly best movie of 2009.
visually it was a pretty awesome movie

in almost every other aspect it was just really cliche

(not to say i didnt enjoy watching it)
GUYS YOU WILL BE MAD! but I have yet to see Avatar. My aunt will probably get it from her work as a DVD. I'm sorry and whatever you do, do not smack me with a bamboo paddle!
I saw it in 3D and really liked it. The special effects were really great! I will also be watching it when it comes out on DVD. I would say the story-line was OK, not the best I've seen. Overall I would say the movie was good.
Saw it twice, once in 3D and once in 2D. The graphics were amazing but the story was very cliche. No matter how much money you have you can't buy a good story!

Actually i really didn't enjoy the movie at all. It resembled a online dating scenario between the main guy and that one blue girl(i honestly do not remember her name). When i went to go see it in theater's i cracked up at the part where she see's him in the human body ("so this is the loser behind the keyboard" is what she was thinking for sure). And that whole glowing tail thing was kind of creepy i thought. I couldn't seem to understand that.
I went into the movie absolutely hating the whole concept of Avatar, expecting the worst, most cliched plot since... well, since the last clichéed movie that came out.

I left the theater completely thrilled.

The music was stunning, the graphics were surprisingly convincing, and I actually started to care for the characters (especially Grace). I was completely taken by surprise. Excellent character development, in my opinion.

The plot was blah, though. Dances with Wolves, anyone?
I am actually refusing to see this movie. I am under the concept that it is just like very other movie that comes out and everybody raves about. I was supposed to go see "The Lovely Bones" with my girlfriend because she wanted to see it. She instead went with her grandma because she was under the assumption I'd rather see Avatar, until I busted her bubble that I don't even care to see the movie due to all the good things I hear.

Other movies I heard that were good that I despise

Napoleon Dynamite
Bruno (after seeing Borat there was no way I was going to watch this)
Rob Zombies Halloween

There are more, but thats off the top of my head.
i don't usually watch movies with a lot of hyped but i liked it and the 3D effects were cool. the movie plot is well thought out and it is well worth you money, unless you wanna wait untill it comes out on dvd and watch it free using free movie link websites
elekid957 said:
^those first two are like the funniest movies of all time xD

You may say they were funny, I just thought they were garbage and a complete waste of my time. It was like "The Villiage" and "Swimfan" all over again. I wanted my time and money back that I had wasted.

even Fear.Com makes the list of movies that wasted my time.
WPM that was the best post you ever made other than the WE HACK YOUU one.

I like the characters.
Just heard on the radio that this movie has beaten Titanic as most popular movie in the history of the world.

I still ain't seen it.
PMJ said:
Just heard on the radio that this movie has beaten Titanic as most popular movie in the history of the world.

I still ain't seen it.

It passed Titanic in the Worldwide Box-Office but it still hasn't passed Titanic in the US Box-Office. Until it does I can't say it's the biggest movie ever. XD

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
It passed Titanic in the Worldwide Box-Office but it still hasn't passed Titanic in the US Box-Office. Until it does I can't say it's the biggest movie ever. XD

dmaster out.

But isn't it the biggest ever since its passed in world? Wouldn't being th biggest in the world mean biggest ever?
I guess, but you don't really get the biggest in the US until it passes in the US. And this country I see more important than becoming the biggest in the world. Idk maybe that's just me but whatever.

Once you add in inflation with the money it's made, it's NOT even close to the biggest.

dmaster out.