20 ENERGIES? (*facepalm*)
What? TCPI is evolving!Have you seen Base Set - Skyridge theme decks ?! They had 28 energies!!!! geez.. for Arceus's sakes..
Well could be the awful pull rates too, out of 6 booster boxes I got 2 secret rares total.... A rainbow and a trainer that's it. THAT'S IT!! Sure got stack of FA but has to be my worst luck ever on the SRs..Why are those Ultra Prism cards so pricy? I know they are not officially out yet. But 130 dollar for a gold Solgaleo GX? Come on?!
ultra prism ones? i got them target had them every time i was thereso i never saw the 3pack promos this time... mainly walmarts. has everyone else seen them?