News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

So after many years Pokemon has added the ability to take an extra turn something they really couldn't implement before until they added in these once per game mechanics. What helps makes something this powerful more balanced is that Dialga GX is a Dragon type and cannot hit anything in Standard for weakness. By how much Metal Support there is in this set it couldn't have been that type as with the Magnezone in this set they would have been too much.

I will miss Dragons having multiple different energy requirements but if they give them more powerful attacks and such since they can't hit weakness I will accept this for the better.
  • Dialga-GX - Hmmm. Weak to Broski, accesible to Heavy Ball, standard HP for Basic GX, the attack is too expensive and underpowered, except the first one, the GX attack is nuts, lets you gave two turns to smash your opponent, two turns to hoard prizes, but for 5 Energy. Yes, Metal Support will help, but do you want to play lots of energy, just to use the "Once-per-game" attack? No. Prof. google said on his video, that he hates those GX attack that made him attsch extra energy just to use his "Once-per-game" attack. We have this similar case to Mewtwo-GX, Yeah, this card is pretty underwhelming. Sorry, I'll give it 1-2 Geodudes. The GX atk is good but it's too expensive

Your whole statement is completely wrong. This card is fricking incredible. With how much metal support we've been receiving this card is going to be complete bonkers, especially with that GX attack, using that strategy @Ilir Nikqi was talking about. Mount Coronet, Magnezone, Dusk Mane Necrozma, the New Solgaleo, Registeel, all can help power that gigantic GX attack cost. I would HIGHLY consider 3-3.5 Geodudes Mr. Rhyperior.
Soo we can assume that the 3 UB GX's are going to be UB Assembly GX, UB Burst GX, and UB Adhesive GX.
In that order they will respectively be, Stakataka GX (UB Assembly), Blacephalon GX (UB Burst/Pennywise), and Nagandel GX (UB Adhesive).

I'm curious though if Poipole will be a common card in the set (like Cosmog and Cosmoem were for Solgaleo and Lunala from SM1) just so you can evolve into Nagandel GX.

As for the one un-named GX, I'm gonna say it's gonna be Zeraora GX. Zeraora being a new Mythical Pokemon in USUM. It could Also be Palkia GX, in any case due to the Sinnoh theme. I think I'm gonna be hitting the hammer on the head about the Ultra Beast GX's but we'll have to wait and see.

These are my bets, keep them in mind ;)
I thought the 3 unnamed ub's would the the fa/rr's of Celesteela-GX / Xurkitree-GX / Pheromosa GX. As we haven't gotten those yet
We'll be getting those as well, but they aren't counted, much like Tapu Bulu GX and Lycanroc (Midday) GX were in BUS.
The prism star energy will probably be any type of energy and be any amount needed for any attack. Then it just goes to the lost zone immediately following the attack.
No way. This card is not going to make a big impact on all of us, blood pressure will be rising.
I wonder in our set in February will have the new gold gx's? Solgaleo gx and Lunala gx as both gold gx pokemon. Also, from a business standpoint in Japan, it would not make sense to include the new Solgaleo gx and Lunala gx in a main set for they were already released in a special product there. It would make more sense to release the new Solgaleo gx and Lunala gx in the international set. For example, this situation happened with Lycanroc GX( midday form) with its full art and rainbow rare printing being in the SM3+ set in Japan. The card was not in Japan main set for their version of Burning Shadows, but was in our version of Crimson Shadows. A good note to mention is that the Lycanroc Gx( midday form) regular print card was not included in the Burning Shadows set for international nor Japan, but was included in a special box. Does any of this make sense to anybody?
It will see play. It OHKO's average HP GX's with a Choice Band and you get to go again. If you take 4 prizes, you also clear your opponents' field of 2 Pokemon. And if those are attackers, hoo boy, you'd be putting your opponent in a pickle. In a heavy metal format, Gardevoir isn't likely to be played very much, so being not weak to fire is a blessing. It's likely to find a home in Magnezone as a one-of, since knocking something out, then retreating into DW Necrozma is P good. If Magnezone has a solid list going for it, it could be better than Solgaleo. Go get your Sparkling Induction Magnemites, they might end up like Tool Drop Trubbish, you never know
i wonder why people are saying it's the first time we skip the enemy turn. while very inconsistent and risky, dialga Lv. X could also do it.

also rolling this with ninja boy... man that sounds good...
Cool card, but it begs the questions...

Why is this a Dragon? What even is a Dragon, and why is it only good against Dragon, yet weak to Fairy? Are they supposed to be better than other cards, but with the drawback of crap typing?
x4 Oranguru
x4 Missing Clover
x4 Puzzle of time
x4 Looker
x3 Looker's whistle
x4 Kartana GX
Can see this being a one of in most metal decks, especially Metagross. GX attack is very strong. Everything else is kind of bleh
This could be a fun deck to play. Is this the first deck that revolves around a Supporter needing to be played?
Gallade (BKT) does 130 damage if you played a supporter during the same turn (not a specific one though)
Yanmega (STS) and Glalie-EX (BKT) were two cards that heavily benefited from Judge (BKT), but they don't require it.
I think the one of the best ways to use Mt. Coronet would be like the old Eggexcute from PLF. Grab two Steel energies from your discard and Ultra Ball them away. Instantly gives you an out to free Pokémon search from your deck. Using the energy isn't bad either, but two energy in your hand isn't as helpful when most of your acceleration of energy requires them to be in your discard.

Can't believe they keep buffing Steel types, hope that something else in the set will hold them back. Maybe a Hex Maniac reprint? I'll bring out Zoroark Break/Drampa if I have to, but I'd rather play Zoroark GX/Decidueye GX. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the set!
Today I learned Dialga was dragon type lol.

Anyway this card looks pretty good imo. At least for getting them Metal KOs on PTCGO lol.
Both Dragon-types thus far in ULP have had only single-type energy attacks. If this becomes the norm, perhaps this'll be useful once Gardevoir-GX rotates?

All the GXs in Ultra Prism
  • Dusk Mane Necrozma GX
  • Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
  • Glaceon GX
  • Leafeon GX
  • Dialga GX
  • Palkia GX
  • 1 Unnamed Non-UB GX
  • 3 Unnamed UB GXs
Yeah, it is confirmed that Cool Solgaleo GX and Meh Lunala GX won't be in this set. So Gardevoir is having a deep breath now becuase the big threat is in the next set.

Prism Star:
  • Solgaleo
  • Lunala
  • Giratina
  • Cyrus
  • 2 Unnamed, including the possible Energy Card.

I wonder if the 3 UBs remaining are even GXs. I mean, Poipole obviously can't be a GX but it's a UB.

Why do you think Giratina will be the last non-GX card? I mean, it's already gotten a Prism Star.

Also imma predict Palkia here:

Spaceless GX: Switch seats with your opponent.

The idea I have for it would be even more broken. For [W][W][W][C][C], (no damage because doing damage AND this effect would be even worse) You may play out your opponent's next turn as if you were them. I dunno if that's exactly how it'd be worded but yeah.
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