I think Rampardos seems interesting, and it could be fun to test out with Buzzwole! You could put it in and use 3rd attack to get rid of Dusk Mane and Bulu. Bastiodon is just... Ugh. Not in the bad way, this card is good, but WHY MORE MEAL SUPPORT? It's getting ridiculous. I could see it being played in Dusk Mane to get rid of the NEW Solgaleo(The no weakness ability one), and maybe Buzzwole since its most likely gonna be playing strong energy anyways...
See the connection already? They both have ways to attack the other fossils respective deck(Buzzwole with Rampardos and Bastiodon with Dusk Mane)!
Also, that grass type supporter, its eh. Could be useful in Bulu or Golisopod, except not because you want to remove Golisopod from play anyways so another can come in and use First Impression and make a boom, and Bulu has a GX attack that heals all damage. Also Bulu might be obsolete when Dusk Mane comes out, so yeaaaahhh.
Grass is kinda dead anyways.