What is it with Pokemon promoting the Poke-Girls breasts (or whatever terminology you want to use)?
Literally look at Mars bra, it's egg shaped... REALLY?
And before I'm criticized, I wasn't looking there because I'm a sicko or whatever, it just immediately stood out when I took a look at the full art.
The artwork is nice in general, but Wicke... now this? Be ashamed TCPI. You can make good looking FA'a that don't do this.
If you take my opinion offensive for some reason I'm sorry, but I find this rediculous.
Wow how can you get triggered over something so miniscule? Tits can be shaped in different ways - you know that, right? This isn't sexualized in any way. Breasts aren't magically round and defy the laws of gravity. The artwork is actually reasonably made and looks fine.