The set symbol is surprisingly simple this time around
Let's be practical here. When is anybody ever going to have 4 Dartix and a Wimpod on their bench at the same time? You would have to draw the perfect hands while your opponent dead drew multiple turns in a row to not disrupt you.
I think Leafeon's GX attack is amazing, and I'm sure people will try to find ways to abuse it, but I don't think it's broken.
Where's Tapu Lele? You need Lele to set up and get a T1 Brigette
Plus, you can use the attack turn 1 to get out possibility 4 Zoroark GX and use the ability Trade your next turn to draw possibility 8 cards out of your deck
Already testing it. It’s really good
You are completely right. The odds of you having the perfect lineup is very low but if you did, you have a good chance to win the game. So I was thinking of something really hard to pull off. But it can still happen.
Yeah, for sure. I mean, if someone was able to get 4 Dartrix on their bench and time their GX attack just right, they deserve to win the game, haha.
I'm working on "Gardenvoir", Pretty much Gardy with AE GX and Leafeon GX.Glaceon GX could lead to a new Water box lockdown deck
steel empoleonGlaceon about to change the standard for a few years
Unless most run 10-20 Basic Energy.Gumshoos will rule the prerelease. All decks will have enough Pokemon in hand