News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

It's not... terrible... just not playable in standard due to Gardevoir unless you somehow build it on your bench and then it immediately dies the next turn when they attach one energy.
You CAN, but putting a 180 hp mon in the active after you've spent a few turns setting up energy on your bench, then using an attack that does 0 damage in order to stack up energy on yourself just so that you can get one-shot and lose all of that energy is bad pokemans.
It actually isn't a waste to attach five energies just to use the GX attack! On a side note, why is his claw spewing fire?
You could play this as a 1 of tech in a water deck as a late game attacker (the water decks with max elixir like lapras gx). N them to a low hand size and sweep!
There's one problem, I can see as the biggest counter to this card. Tapu Bulu/ Vikavolt decks or decks that use Vikavolt from Sun and Moon base set. You should all of there energy and you ultimately don't really hurt there deck for you shuffled the energy into the deck and that's where Vikavolt gets it's power from the deck. Also, I don't really see much people probably playing this card sadly for how much energy it takes to power it up
The artwork is horrendous in my opinion, it looks like a plain, lazy 3D render with no thought put into it!
For Alolan Dugtrio, the one big idea I have is 58 metal energies, 1 Alolan diglet of SM1, and 1 of this one's Alolan Dugtrio. I do this with 1 lele, 4 DCE and 55 phycic energies. #stillbetterthancharizardgx.
Has there ever been a 5 Energy attack that was competitively viable?
No? Right. Into the binder you go.