Japan's Worlds Qualifiers


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
I'm pretty sure this tournament was played in a BW-on format. Here's the top 16 decks and winning decklist, thanks to Baby Mario on http://google.com/:

1st - Hydreigon + Darkrai EX
2nd - Garchomp + Altaria
3rd - Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX + Raikou EX
4th - Mewtwo EX + Terrakion EX + Bouffalant

Top 8
Empoleon + Terrakion + Mew EX
Gothitelle + Accelgor + Mew EX + Darkrai EX + Musharna
Ho-Oh EX + Tornadus EX
Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX

Top 16
Hydreigon + Darkrai EX
Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX + Raikou EX
Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX + Raikou EX + Tornadus EX
Darkrai EX + Mewtwo EX + Tornadus EX + Tornadus
Mewtwo EX + Terrakion
Garchomp + Altaria
Darkrai EX + Mewtwo EX + Bouffalant
Mewtwo EX + Terrakion EX + Terrakion + Sigilyph + Stunfisk

Winning Decklist:
3-1-3 Hydreigon (Dragon Selection)
3 Darkrai
3 Sableye
1 Shaymin-EX
1 Sigilyph (Dragon Selection)
= 14

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Bianca
4 Catcher
4 Dark Patch
3 Rare Candy
2 Eviolite
3 Ultra Ball
3 Max Potion
2 Random Receiver
2 Level Ball

4 Blend Energy GRPD
8 Dark

It's certainly nice to see the variety, and that Stage 2's are actually playable. The triple Sableye in the winning list implies a much slower format. Certainly a lot of toolbox decks. Shocking, but at the same time pretty nice to see no Rayquaza at all.

RE: Japan's Nationals

Looks like Bianca will be one of our go-to supporters next format.
RE: Japan's Nationals

I can't wait for the Rotation. There are too many options with HGSS-on, and I can't fit everything I want to in a list :( And I should probably stock up on Bianca.

And why didn't he include at least one of the 60-40-40 Hydreigon (the one we have)?
RE: Japan's Nationals

Hydreigon shouldn't be used as an attacker. It's main purpose is to keep Darkrai alive with Max Potions.

And anyway, the NVI Hydreigon... well.... sucks. A lot.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Yeah, 60-40-40 on a Stage 2 is pretty terrible when there's 90-30 on a basic with more HP. All of the Deinos that come into play need to evolve into the energy-moving Hydregion to prevent the deck from falling apart if the only one out gets Catchered and KO'd.
RE: Japan's Nationals

I'm happy to see that an Empoleon variant made it to top 8. I always knew that Empoleon would be viable is some way.
RE: Japan's Nationals

EliGagerNorris said:
Hydreigon shouldn't be used as an attacker. It's main purpose is to keep Darkrai alive with Max Potions.

I wouldn't say it shouldn't be used as an attacker, although you're right that the main purpose is for the Ability. The 140 isn't extremely bad, but here's some ideas to consider. You can Dark Patch+Dark Trans to charge it up (another use for the Blend Energy), has 150 HP which can only be OHKO'd by certain Dragon types, can discard Energy to set up a backup attacker on the bench the same way you powered up Hydreigon, but the real kicker is it isn't weak to Fighting which is huge. It's really the last line of defense against Terrakion/Groudon if you can't keep up for whatever reason. It's obvious it isn't in there for the attack but it definitely gives the deck more options with a nice partner for Darkrai type wise and it can attack if need be.

dmaster out.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Why is blend energy preferred to prism energy? I don't quite understand the difference :$
RE: Japan's Nationals

Ka$h Money, where is Blend Energy called Prisim Energy?
*Laughs at no Rayquaza EX*
This shows that Stage 2s are still good, and that the format isn't dominated by Basics, ten of the top 16 decks are Basic decks (includes Eelectrik decks), which show that there is still faith in Evolution.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Blui129 said:
Ka$h Money, where is Blend Energy called Prisim Energy?
*Laughs at no Rayquaza EX*
This shows that Stage 2s are still good, and that the format isn't dominated by Basics, ten of the top 16 decks are Basic decks (includes Eelectrik decks), which show that there is still faith in Evolution.


I'm asking what's the benefit of Blend energy over Prism energy. To me, Blend energy just looks like a restricted version of Prism energy but I'm clearly missing something, hence why I asked someone to enlighten me...

Is it just for the Hydreigon?
RE: Japan's Nationals

Ka$h Money said:
Is it just for the Hydreigon?

If Prism Energy got on Hydregion for whatever reason, it can't be moved. Blend Energy can still be moved.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Futachimaru said:
If Prism Energy got on Hydregion for whatever reason, it can't be moved. Blend Energy can still be moved.

Why can't it be moved? I assumed that Prism energy doesn't work on evolved Pokemon and hence that's why they preferred to use Blend energy.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Yep, read Prism again and you realize it only works for Basic Pokemon. That means if you need to move Energy onto Hydreigon be it as an attacker or to heal off Darkrai, Prism's special effect becomes null and it returns to a basic colorless energy. As Hydreigon can only move Dark Energy around, Prism becomes useless.
RE: Japan's Nationals

EliGagerNorris said:
Yep, read Prism again and you realize it only works for Basic Pokemon. That means if you need to move Energy onto Hydreigon be it as an attacker or to heal off Darkrai, Prism's special effect becomes null and it returns to a basic colorless energy. As Hydreigon can only move Dark Energy around, Prism becomes useless.

I thought so, thanks for the confirmation :D
RE: Japan's Nationals

I love that decklist such a cool combo, and a stage 2 being used.

#wantDragonBlast #wantRotation
RE: Japan's Nationals

The best part about reading this is that I met and befriended the winner of this tournament and worlds last year. :p He posted his decklist on facebook, and he had four shiny catchers! lol

Back on topic, though, he wanted to use a spread deck, but he couldn't manage to fit Kyurem in there.
RE: Japan's Nationals

No Rayquaza Eels? What an upset.....interesting winning decks though.....Ho-oh Tornadus EX.....what? Yay for Accelgor lock :D
and Garchomp. Wow there are so many rogue kinds of decks......
RE: Japan's Nationals

Actually, most of these are pretty common archetypes for Japan since Dragon Blade/Dragon Blast first came out. Empoleon + Terrakion was pretty established beforehand, Garchomp + Altaria was picked up by a lot of players right out of Dragon/Dragon Blast, Hydreigon + Darkrai EX came out as an archetype right off the bat as well since Klinklang decks were pretty common throughout Japan, and Mewtwo EX + Terrakion (EX) was also a pretty established deck as well. I've seen Ho-Oh EX paired with Thundurus several times but never with Tornadus EX.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Unfortunately, Japan's results never really are 100% similar to North America. Although, this is a surprise to not see a single Rayquaza. The list is pretty diverse, which is great. Rotation should be fun.
RE: Japan's Nationals


Finally had time to finish it.