Japan's Worlds Qualifiers

That would make Garchomp quite a lot worse... I hope it is in the set, Garchomp is a fun deck to play and to play against.
I think it would still be a good deck, even without the good Gabite. It'll still come out eventually and it will make the deck that much better. If it's not in the next set I will be disappointed, though.
Celebi23 said:
There's a rumor going around that the good Gabite won't be in it. But we'll see.

Why I otta......if there isn't the "AbiliBite" (lol) in the next English set, there will be no Garchomp/Altaria decks. I really hope the rumor isn't true, because I can't wait to play the deck.
Cinema said:
I think it would still be a good deck, even without the good Gabite. It'll still come out eventually and it will make the deck that much better. If it's not in the next set I will be disappointed, though.

Without the good Gabite Altarchomp is tier 2 at best. The deck revolves entirely around that ability and without it, it becomes a standard slow, weak stage 2 deck sadly.
The reason I think we'll be getting the "Dragon Call" Gabite in Dragons Exalted:

- Gyarados is on one of the Dragons Exalted pack arts
- The Japanese Garchomp half deck includes Gyarados
- "Dragon Call" Gabite happens to be in said half deck

So basically I assume we'll be getting all the cards from the half deck which does in fact feature the Gabite everyone's looking for. Obviously I'm speculating just as much as anyone else but I think this theory is still a rather good one.
Afro-G said:
The reason I think we'll be getting the "Dragon Call" Gabite in Dragons Exalted:

- Gyarados is on one of the Dragons Exalted pack arts
- The Japanese Garchomp half deck includes Gyarados
- "Dragon Call" Gabite happens to be in said half deck

So basically I assume we'll be getting all the cards from the half deck which does in fact feature the Gabite everyone's looking for. Obviously I'm speculating just as much as anyone else but I think this theory is still a rather good one.

How do your first 2 reasons have anything to do with gabite?
blue luxray said:
How do your first 2 reasons have anything to do with gabite?
If there's going to be the Gyarados from the half deck in the set, why wouldn't they just include the entire half deck? That's the point I was trying to make.

I could be wrong of course. Just in my opinion, I think it's more likely that we'll be getting Gabite rather than not.

Edit: Maybe I said it the wrong way. It wasn't 3 reasons why we should be getting it, but 3 different points to make 1 reason.
For what it's worth, we got Reshiram-EX and Zekrom-EX in Next Destinies but Random Receiver, Ultra Ball, and a few other cards in Dark Explorers. Yet, they were all from the same Japanese Battle Strength Decks.
Celebi23 said:
For what it's worth, we got Reshiram-EX and Zekrom-EX in Next Destinies but Random Receiver, Ultra Ball, and a few other cards in Dark Explorers. Yet, they were all from the same Japanese Battle Strength Decks.

Where did you get the rumor that it wasn't in our set? I've never heard of a reliable japanese source for this kind of thing.
If we're getting both Garchomps, it'd be very weird if we only got one of the Gabites...
their is a hugggeeee mistakeeee !!! their are 15 pokemon not 14 therfore their is 61 pokemon in the deck i hope this wasnt his exact list
Meaty said:
If we're getting both Garchomps, it'd be very weird if we only got one of the Gabites...

Yeah, my guess is that we're getting both of everything in the Garchomp line. It would only make sense at that point. It looks like we're probably going to get both Hydreigon as well since both of them were placeholders in the decks. Mighty strange...

dmaster out.
Cinema said:
Where did you get the rumor that it wasn't in our set? I've never heard of a reliable japanese source for this kind of thing.
A set list was leaked that had only one Gabite in it. The setlist was removed shortly after. Nobody knows if it was correct, and if it was, nobody knows which Gabite it was. Also, it's the people over here in the USA deciding that, not the Japanese.
pokeplayer04 said:
their is a hugggeeee mistakeeee !!! their are 15 pokemon not 14 therfore their is 61 pokemon in the deck i hope this wasnt his exact list

Actually, he's right... that list adds up to 61. I'm guessing someone was wrong about the count of a certain card. But for the love of Psyduck, you need to take some grammar lessons.
Okay after playing the deck a few times, Garchomp would be complete garbage without the good Gabite. If it's not in the new set, Empoleon/Terrakion will probably replace it in Tier 1.
Why would Empoleon/Terrakion get any better? It will still be confined to tier 1.5 or 2.
I guess that's true. It just has bad matchups, mostly against ZekEels but it has problems with Garchomp/Altaria. Empoleon can get OHKO'ed by Garchomp and Empoleon can't OHKO back.
Also against Darkrai. Shaymin EX takes out Terrakion, and Empoleon struggles to even 2HKO Darkrai while getting OHKOed back.
alexmf2 said:
Also against Darkrai. Shaymin EX takes out Terrakion, and Empoleon struggles to even 2HKO Darkrai while getting OHKOed back.

Where's this Shaymin EX coming from? It's just going to get OHKO'ed for 2 prizes with Empoleon.
Most lists play Shaymin. And there is almost no way Empoleon is OHKOing it, it's hard to get a full bench, and it's not like the Darkrai player is going to have one either.