Japan's Worlds Qualifiers

I'm not surprised by Shaymin EX's popularity at all. I've been playing it even in this format since Regionals, and all I've come to see is that it's an amazing, underrated card. You just have to stay careful about when you have it on your bench and how easily your opponent would be able to kill it, as with any other EX. However Shaymin is the frailest of all EXs so you must be extra careful. That being said, it's an amazing sweeper late game outclassed by none if you use it right, and you can tech in one grass energy (if you run prisms) so that if you're stuck starting with it you can net an extra energy out of it.
Plus Power....

I wouldn't say that Empoleon/Terrakion would take Garchomp/Altaria's place, without that matchup, anything Terrakion will do extremely well. I also don't see why running Shaymin EX is so good in Hydreigon Darkrai decks??
However, you have the first empoleon to get the prize trade in your favor. + max potion and he fact that Empoleon should be running many Tool Scrapper.
Darkrai has Max Potion as well, and Empoleon doesn't have the room for Tool Scrapper. Max Potion works even better for Darkrai because occasionally you will be forced to 3HKO Darkrai.
How many of you have actually built Empoleon and played it against Garchomp? It is most definitely in Empoleon's favor.
I've played Garchomp's side. How can Empoleon win when Garchomp can consistently OHKO Empoleon?
First off, people have learned that Dark Claw is a bad card in Darkrai. You can argue with me, but I will most likely be right. Sure the extra 20 is amazing. But next format, if you are playing Darkrai Hydreigon, which would you rather have, Eviolite or Dark Claw? Because with Eviolite, you prevent getting OHKOd by Terrakions, which is huge with the limited draw. Then you just Max Potion the damage away. If your opponent has enough space to draw into pluspowers EXACTLY when they need them well.....they are truly lucky. Dark Claw gets you killed. Just putten that out there.
How can Garchomp possibly set up when Empoleon is swinging for 70 turn 2?! If your Empoleon deck isn't doing that, you have one terrible Empoleon deck.
I think it greatly depends on who goes first. That kinda decides who takes the first Prize and that decides the game. If Garchomp gets set up I think Garchomp can win, but Empoleon has the means to just rush Garchomp so it can't. Empoleon can't OHKO Garchomp but has Draw support and only takes 1 Energy to attack. Garchomp takes 2 Energy and can easily get N'd down to 1, but can OHKO Empoleon. Its 50/50 I think.