oh wow I love the new fennekin, braxen and delphox artworks

hmm delphox break is a stage 3 reminds me a lot of typholsion prime except you do not put 1 damage counter on your pokemon. Will be very hard to set up even with the mystical fire ability, as most fire decks burn (pun intended) through there decks very quickly like the entei/charizard deck that will play 3 shaymin to get the black smith every turn so all the fire is in the discard pile.
Again ho-oh break is nice but needs 5 energy to do 160 but with muscle band 180 is pretty much a combustion blast from charizard but at least now you have something to hit jolteon ex instead of being an auto loss.
Fairy drop is just a cheeper max potion, I mean 90% of all fairy decks play aromatiess so I am not sure why you would play this less of a super potion in it...
Crobat break is a lot like deck and cover accelgore without the poison, what made accelgore so good is that you could combine it with trevanant item lock and cycle every turn...might be playable but will be very clunky with 2 breaks in 1 deck...let a lone a stage 3 crobat line and with this attack it is pretty much free scoop up syclones as long as you can attack with it for a dce and dimension valley.
I do like mega garchomp, might play a 1-1 line of it in my giratina/aromatiess deck but anything that does recoil damage is not really a good card, if you had 110 damage on this garchomp it would pretty much knock itself out...lol at least they tried the BP garchomp is op enough...although people could do a speed garchomp deck where turn 2 180 is possible with mega turbos and a good hoopa start.
I do like the artwork on this new lugia holo and ho-oh will be nice to collect them

also attractive ribbon on braxen ^^ cute attack hehe