There you go. With Ho-oh BREAK, that's already 3 BREAK promos for another BREAK evolution box (Mandibuzz, Crobat and Ho-oh)...
Omg Delphox... Such amazing potential.... probably the best break card we've seen for a while...
The only drawback it has is that it's a "stage 4" ... But DAMN! NO CARD searches from the deck and attaches an energy. Imagine if I had 3 of them... And I can attach every single turn 3 energy.
So much potential so happy to see one of my fav pokemon being playable again.
Unfortunately M Garchomp is nowhere near as playable as Tyrantrum...![]()
Greninja says "hi"!Omg Delphox... Such amazing potential.... probably the best break card we've seen for a while...
Greninja says "hi"!
I don't think so. Stage 3 for an extra energy per turn, when Fire type has Fiery Torch/Battle Compressor/Blacksmith/VS Seeker... plus, Frogadier's attack lets you skip the Basic from turn 2, and you can search for Greninja and Greninja BREAK easily with Dive Ball... They snipe the opponent's Pokémon with no mercy, killing a charged up benched EX with abilities only, and then use Fisherman/Energy Retrieval. The newest Greninja lets you take in hand the energy he needs to attack, so next turn you can totally heal with Max Potion his 170 HP without discarding energy. Finest BREAK.It doesn't have the same versatility. Extra energy attachement(s) were always better than sniping for damage.
It would be my dream of having an Archie's/Maxie's for Fire and Psyquic too.Maybe a supporter is released later that allows us to play any fire Pokemon directly to the bench... That would mean we could play Delphox and then it's break only.
M Garchomp is trash. Yveltal eats up that card. Should have been super fast and do 110 damage like Mega Manectric.
Definitely not, Trevenant and Greninja are together the best ones, but Carbink will probably be the most versatile and easiest to play as it's like a stage one with an resilient basic, thanksfully to Safeguard.Omg Delphox... Such amazing potential.... probably the best break card we've seen for a while...
Palkia-EX can do that in T2 or even in T1 with the support of a card which already do that, Max Elixir.The only drawback it has is that it's a "stage 4" ... But DAMN! NO CARD searches from the deck and attaches an energy. Imagine if I had 3 of them... And I can attach every single turn 3 energy.
Good luck trying to make playable, i will stick to NM before rotation.So much potential so happy to see one of my fav pokemon being playable again.
Agreed.Unfortunately M Garchomp is nowhere near as playable as Tyrantrum...![]()
I know but the speed loss is made up for in attack. Because 180 damage is pretty low for an attack that needs 4 Energy AND damages yourself for each damage counter on my favourite Dragon. It should do at least 200 damage.It IS fast, so it has free retreat cost. Also, refering to the attack, it represents what happens in the videogames when Garchomp mega evolves: its attack stat is increased AND its speed stat is lowered.