Interesting, interesting.
Well the fact it's colorless at least means it can be used in any deck (and is a plus since I like card types that aren't previously released). It's seriously no different than EX's and in fact is still underpowered compared to said EX's.
Guess that means we can expect a Flecthling and Fletchinder (hope it too is colorless) and maybe Talonflame BREAK.
In a way it would be cool to more Pokémon with this ability, particularly those that have BREAKS. Still in the long run I don't know how many I'd really want running around. One Pokémon like this is a curiosity, even a wonder. But too many like this becomes something different altogether.
I don't see how this is worse than an EX, no EX can search your deck for ANY 2 cards and its only 1 colorless! (nice little 40 damage on top is fantastic too) It's fast, allows you to pretty much be 100% set up in many competitive decks and you only loose one prize when it dies.
Personally I will be running either 1 or 4 in all my decks because search power is rare and justifiably so, 1 would work well because it wont burden your deck at all, you have a decent chance of getting it first turn and if you don't you can just compress it or use it for an ultra ball, 4 on the other hand helps with consistency but not as much as I'd like which is why I'm leaning towards 1 copy.
Also there is a Talonflame BREAK promo in japan, maybe we will see it in a box or even in the set. It's fire type, 170 health and for two fire energy it deals 150 damage and discards all its energy, its basically a good Lugia BREAK.