Get ready for an inconsistent, joke of a card. The positive news is that finally a Colorless Pokemon that is Flying has a different Weakness than Lightning.
There's got to be something coming out in the set that takes advantage of this. I wouldn't be so quick to write this off as terrible until all the cards are announced...
"If this card is attached to a Pokémon at the end of your opponent's next turn, discard this card."You can start off with an Ho-oh EX and attach a Burst Balloon to it. To give yourself time to set up or get some damage counters on your opponents active Pokémon early on. I don't know if it will work great, i am not competitive. It just came up in my mind.
I'm sad that more people don't take this attitude. Judge a set by how much fun you have with it rather than how powerful it is.While this Lilligant isn't the best energy-hate card, I'll definitely at least be giving it a try. Anyone who really knows me can tell you I love playing around with cards like this even though they obviously can't compete well at events.
Anyway, love the art for this card! Here's to hoping for a BREAK evolution!