For those who don't want to read through every single card text!
For those who want to argue about what artwork or card text was good or bad! Debate is encouraged
Standout cards for
- Chikorita, Kriketot (so epic), Suicune, Geninja break (that water shrunken is so cool), Hypno (creepiest artwork ever), Trubbish, Honedge, Aegislash, Sudowoodo, Garchomp, Shiftry, Darkrai EX, Pangoro (Oh man. This is awesome), M Scizor EX, clefairy (hypno plz), Ho-oh ex, espeon ex fa, Scizor ex fa, gyarados ex fa secret rare (Almost reminds me of ancient trait cards)
Overall impression: There is even more standout artwork than those listed above. Amazing artwork for this set.
9/10 (One off for that Seismetoad. Just. The worst.)
Standout cards for
-Kricketot (pretty powerful for grass decks. Can search for an entire vileplume line, for example)
-Slowbro (Odd win condition. Could see it in night march or archie’s decks)
-Slowking (multiple could be quite disruptive)
-Suicune (110 is actually pretty solid for 3 energy. Not the worst ability)
-Manaphy EX
-Frogadier/greninja/greninja break (cool combo with lots of options)
-hypno (could work with darkrai ex)
-darkrai ex (rip honchkrow’s nightmare mambo. you will be dearly missed)
-raticate break (ariados was made for this. Run with absol for grass type KO’s?)
-time puzzle
-max elixer (ugh)
-fightign spirit belt (ughhhhhhhh)
-Delinquent (I don’t think it’ll be as good as you think it will)
Overall impression: nothing really that crazy. Raticate break and Greninja break will be really excellent in my friend group’s unlimited variant format. Nothing too format altering overall that I can see.
6.5/10 -didn’t hate it. The cards are interesting, at least!