Hey, I'm thrilled that we get Golduck BREAK.
.... Brb ordering infinite booster boxes
.... Brb ordering infinite booster boxes
Well, no guarantee that they're actually good…I'm hoping Garchomp will be playable, because that thing can recycle STRONG ENERGIES! HeLLOOO Speed Maxie's Groudon/Garchomp (Maxie's GG).The Golduck Break basically confirms Max Potion and Palkia-EX. I need to get my printer ready to play with these.
I agree. Gyarados looks like he ate a few to many Pokepuffs for dessert...that booster artwork makes M Gyarados look waaay chunkier than it is
I don't think that will happen. I don't know if that has ever happened with any supporter full art that they came out in English before japan.FA SYCAMORE & FA MISTY CONFIRMED YEAAAAAAAAAAAH
Ace Trainer gives you card advantage in comparison to your opponent's hand, and it's far from overpowered. You're making generalizations that don't apply.=_=
I'm sure you understood by "card advantage" I meant in comparison with your opponent's hand. If you believe that starting your first turn with 1 card is fair and makes you enjoy the game more, I'm fine with it.