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Kaira's TGC Thread: Updated with Landmin, Machamp, and 2 Raichu X! Want CoL Energy!

RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, CML for what you want for it.

Sorry, I see no cards that interest me.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, CML for what you want for it.

hey were able to get that card from your friend?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, CML for what you want for it.

No. >_< He is being lazy. I can ask him later today again when he gets on MSN. O:
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, CML for what you want for it.

CML for Uxie LA x2
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, CML for what you want for it.

Sorry, nothing interests me. :\
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, Dialga G X, Blaziken FB X (CML Please)

I have:
Oddish UD x1
Ho-oh Top x1

I want:
Uxie LP x3
Roserade UL x1
Leafeon UD x1
Anything else off of my wants list
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, Dialga G X, Blaziken FB X (CML Please)


Ditto x 2
Uxie x 3

for my

ERL top
oddish UD RH

LMk thanks
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, Dialga G X, Blaziken FB X (CML Please)

@Xander: Sorry, Ho-Oh is not worth that much to me.

@Radical: Too much, even for ERL. :\
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, Dialga G X, Blaziken FB X (CML Please)

could you shoot me a counter offer?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: [W] Luxray X, Dialga G X, Blaziken FB X (CML Please)

Well, just give me time. I see you have Triumphant cards, but I have to wait till I get my two boxes before I decide what I will need.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! W: Absol, Mew, and Celebi prime!

First Bump of the Week!
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! W: Absol, Mew, and Celebi prime!

CML for the following

1x Sunflora (HS)
Jumpluff x 1 (HS)
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! W: Absol, Mew, and Celebi prime!

Do you have any TR primes? I am mainly interested in those right now. Otherwise, Gallade Lv X is what interests me. I want your Luxray Lv X, but yeah. >.>
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb up for trades as well!

I am back in business!
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb up for trades as well!

can you cml for brock's ninetales
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb up for trades as well!

Sorry, I see nothing that interests me.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb up for trades as well!

CML for Gengar (Legendary Collection). What condition is it in and is it holo?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb up for trades as well!

Yes, the card is NM and holo. The only thing that interests me in your list, however, is your Donphan prime.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

I don't think its worth the same as Donphan Prime. I normally use Troll n Toad as a guide and the non holo Gengar is $3 so let me know what you value yours at. I have lots of unlisted cards also and I am interested in your LP Uxies LA as well.