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Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

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RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Ok, Just post to let me know you have updated :)
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

kashmaster said:
Ok, Just post to let me know you have updated :)

Just finished updating it.
Also keep in mind that I live in Australia...so keep the postage to you in mind (I can't send tomorrow as it's a public holiday/Good Friday & everything shuts down).
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Have you got any Lv Xs?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

kashmaster said:
Have you got any Lv Xs?

Only singles...but I do have a Shiny Swablu which I could trade.
But from what I've heard it's only worth AUD$10.00 at the most.
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Yh Im sorry I can't see anything really. I wouldnt want to trade for a shiny swablu as firstly I dont need it and it is going to cost me quite a bit to send all the way to Australia

Sorry :(
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

^That's ok....thank you for having a look anyways.
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Well, how much does it cost? If it is cheap, then I will do it, but could we send at the same time? I REALLY need it for regonals
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Yh It only cost like $2-3 tops. I will send the same time :) I trust you :).
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

i have the cyclone and the warp you need, i'm interested in your great ball playmat, so CML for more please
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Have you got any Donphan prime?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

i don't, sorry
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Can you do 2 Warp and 2 Cyclone for Shuckle and a few HGSS Energy?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Guys, Ive changed my wants lol :/
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

can you CML for your Ultra Ball mat again then? lol
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Well can you offer for it. Dont know how much its worth ^^ lol

Have you got a flygon X?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

i don't have one, sorry. but how about

1 Infernape 4 Lv.X

Ultra Ball Playmat
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

^ Il get back to you soon :)
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

sorry, i actually just traded the infernape away, but can you CML for something else you might be interested in?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Im not to sure I need anything from you. Il have a think but I had a decent offer for the mats already.
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