KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life (MODS pls do not lock)

RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

OK but i cant white out the avy background and if i don't the avy background is going to cover
part of the banner superbla.

D&P:OK I will
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

well no but then it will cover the banner background i'll try and white it out 1 more time
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

OK i cant get the avy on when i withe it it will just look wired but when it is not whited out it is just going to get in the way of part of the banner background
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

ok lemmee try the backup use the new avy im usin
nevermind just use this one
dont white it out
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

alright can you make me a cool banner with kingler on the left nidoking in the center and exeggutor on the right? make it have a funky background and centered and the bottom make it say "NIDOKINGLER" (and get creative with it ;)) but im gonna have some other things in my sig and wont have room to give you credit so can you put your name or logo in the corner? thanx :D
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

OK then
it is going to look good i gess

and POkeric ok sure. i got 3 banners to do now.
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

OK superbla finnished your banner



and give credit to the shop or give credit to me please. and i can resize it if you want
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

how can i link it to my thread?
Kevin Garrett said this needs to be resized can u make it smaller?
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

Can you make me a cool banner with my shop name: Pokefreak's amazing avatars. and could you put a tyranitar and a aggron on it thanks
RE: KBP Shop Where Everything Comes To Life

UHH so many banners but i'll do them. D&P:I'll do your later. Pokeric is after D&P and Poke'freak is after Pokeric
Superbla here is your resize of your banner


also give credit. I can resize it again if you want to