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KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! H: LOTS W: Lux X, Magic the Gathering

RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

Machamp for 12? Don't know where you're shopping, I can buy them for a couple dollars. But regardless, I generally don't trade an X for anything less than another X, and there aren't any on your list I'm interested in. Sorry bro :(
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

That was the price on ebay. Hah. It's fine, I don't really want an Infernape anyway. It would have just gone onto my trades page. ;]
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! My Blazikin Lv X for your Machamp Lv X!

SrSpoony said:
Hi please CML for:
xX PokeHealer
Both Gengar PA

Thanks a ton

I'm interested in your Roseannes, Rare Candys, Unown Gs.

You're looking for the Arceus Gengar? I've got plenty. How many do you need?

I'd go my:
Gengar AR #16 up to x3 (one RH)
Gengar AR #17

for your:
Roseanne's x2
Rare Candy
Unown G
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! My Blazikin Lv X for your Machamp Lv X!

Flare said:
Do you have these cards?

Energy Gain x2
Galactic HQ x2
Miasma Valley x2
Aaron's Collection x2
Flint's Willpower x3
SP Radar
Volkner's Philosophy x3

Yeah I have all of these in those quantities. Can you link me your list so I don't have to go searching?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

Well, here are some of my notable cards.

Dusknoir DP (holo)
Cresselia GE (Holo)
Gliscor LA (Holo)
Machamp SF x4 (1 Holo)
Bebe's Search
Rare Candy
Raichu GL
Starmie RR x3
Mamoswine SF
Snorlax RR x10
Gallade 4 RR x2
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

I'm only really interested in the Rare Candy. Do you have a trade/rep thread at all?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

Wait, I traded the rare candy. Also, your wants say you want a Machamp.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Please CML for 1x Garchomp C Lv.x (tin)

I'm interested in your Shayman Land form Lv X
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

kcv3 said:
I'm interested in your Roseannes, Rare Candys, Unown Gs.

You're looking for the Arceus Gengar? I've got plenty. How many do you need?

I'd go my:
Gengar AR #16 up to x3 (one RH)
Gengar AR #17

for your:
Roseanne's x2
Rare Candy
Unown G
Sorry But I cant do that I just want one or two Gengar
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

well i noticed you are getting 2 machamp X and i am interestede in one CML please.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

richkid50000 said:
well i noticed you are getting 2 machamp X and i am interestede in one CML please.

What would you want in addition to Machamp X for your Luxray X?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

what can you offer? i may be trading it for gengar X and some trapinches(SW) if that helps an offer.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

I can do Machamp X, a Roseanne's Research, and 3 Trapinch SW.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only!

ace11 said:
My Rare Candy for your Garchomp C X Tin?

I was looking at your list, and have a counter offer:

My Garchomp C lv X (tin) and a Toxicroak G PL
for your
Rare Candy and Luxray GL