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KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! H: LOTS W: Lux X, Magic the Gathering

RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Oh no its all good in the hood :D Umm... how about my Claydol for Straight up Infernape? I just looked at my Azelf and its a little beat up. I could still throw it in maybe?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Hmm. I'd still like the Azelf, as I'll be playing it. Any chance you could throw in a rare to make up for it? got any Kingdra LA?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

I have:
2x Rare Candy (POP8/GE)

I'm interested in your:
2x Poketurn
3x Cyrus's Conspiracy (if you have these)
VS Seeker (if you have these)
Galactic HQ (if you have these)

Let me know what you have/what we can put together, thanks.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Spardan19 said:
I have:
2x Rare Candy (POP8/GE)

I'm interested in your:
2x Poketurn
3x Cyrus's Conspiracy (if you have these)
VS Seeker (if you have these)
Galactic HQ (if you have these)

Let me know what you have/what we can put together, thanks.

I'm sorry, the poketurns are in my wants, not haves. I've got 2 Cyrus and a slew of Vs Seekers though. I've also got a single holo fire energy (saw in your wants)

I'm interested in the rare candys, as well as 6 holo grass energy. Anything else you need?

SrSpoony said:
What other rares do you need?

Not sure on rares, could use some random trainers and whatnot. Looking for Call Energy and Poketurns mainly. Have any?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

kcv3 said:
I'm sorry, the poketurns are in my wants, not haves. I've got 2 Cyrus and a slew of Vs Seekers though. I've also got a single holo fire energy (saw in your wants)

I'm interested in the rare candys, as well as 6 holo grass energy. Anything else you need?

Sorry about that, I misread.

The 2 Cyrus's, VS Seeker and Fire Energy (if it's from the Emerald set) are high on my wants list right now. I did see Infernape 4 Lv. X and Blaziken FB Lv. X that I liked, but I'm not sure what you'd want for those. Did you see anything on my list that you'd want for either Lv. X? I'll set up an offer if you see anything you'd want for them.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

I don't believe the energy is from Emerald, and it's pending a trade right now. I'm interested in your Shaymin Land Lv X, but it see it's pending a trade. I would trade Blazikin FB lv x for it. If so, here's my offer:

Blaziken FB lv x
Cyrus (x2)
VS Seeker
Level Max (x3)

Shaymin Landform Lv x
Rare Candy (x2)
Holo Grass Energy (x5)
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf


My 2 spiritomb, your three garchomp C promo X?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Sorry I haven't updated the list; I only have two left. I would do 2 Spiritomb for the 2 lv x promos
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

kcv3 said:
I don't believe the energy is from Emerald, and it's pending a trade right now. I'm interested in your Shaymin Land Lv X, but it see it's pending a trade. I would trade Blazikin FB lv x for it. If so, here's my offer:

Blaziken FB lv x
Cyrus (x2)
VS Seeker
Level Max (x3)

Shaymin Landform Lv x
Rare Candy (x2)
Holo Grass Energy (x5)

I wont be able to trade the Shaymin yet. I'm still waiting on the trader that I have it on hold for.

The deal in whole is actually pretty bad for me. How does this look?

2x Rare Candy
5x HP Grass Energy

1x Blaziken FB Lv. X
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x Level Max
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

I'd rather wait and see if your Shaymin trade falls through, as I'd rather get that in exchange for the Blaziken.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

my 4 poketurn, BTS, 2 spiritomb, your hippo x, garchomp C x non promo, 2 garchomp C promo.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Poketurns are not that valuable, I consider them throw ins more than anything. Same with BTS. So essentially you're asking for two legit Lv Xs and two Promo Xs for two spiritomb.

I'd go both Promo Xs and two regular Garchomp Cs for the Two Spiritomb and whatever you feel like throwing in.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf






RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

You can post those links all you want, I can buy BTS and Poketurns for a dime a piece locally, and only consider them throw ins, no matter what the site says. Also, like I've told another member on here today, TrollandToad is not the be all end all for pricing, and often inflates prices.

There isn't a link on the internet that will convince me to trade you TWO LV Xs and TWO PROMO Xs for a fistful of commons and two rares. Now if you want to discuss a more fair trade, we can continue to do so.

I consider Garchomp C Lv X Promo (x2) for Spirittomb (x2) to be a completely fair trade. If you disagree we can work on it, but understand I will most likely be not trading you non-promo level Xs for rares.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

that is understandable. lol.

BTS and two tombs for two promo garchomp c x and Tinterra X?
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

I value the Promo Garchomps the same as Spiritomb. If you'd like a rare throw in or something I could do that, but a third promo X is a little unbalanced.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

hmm, throw in 2 stamps and you have a deal.
RE: KCV3's Trade Thread! US / Modified Only! W: Spiritomb, Azelf

Can i sub the stamps with a $1 bill? PM to finalize