RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IV Calm/Bold Frillish and many other 5 IV 'mons
Would like to trade for your Porygon, Castform, Stantler, Misdreavus, Slakoth, Cherubi, Tynamo, Finneon, Buneary, Glameow, Yamask, Baltoy, Meowth, Phione, and all starters except for Kanto, Kalos, Chimchar, Snivy, Treecko, and Torchic for my National Dex.
I have Pidgeot, Simisear, Simipour, Goldeen, Psyduck, Dodrio, Ninjask, Krokorok, Rhyhorn, Flareon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Staravia, Nidoran M, Mantyke, Clampearl, Flygon, Wooper, Quagsire, Vanillite, Zorua, Zygarde, and Moltres for your Pokedex although I'll want all of them back except Psyduck, Ninjask, Nidoran M, Wooper, and Zorua. Let me know if we can work something out.