Wi-Fi Trades Keeper's Trade and Battle Thread - Closed

RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Hey just letting you know I'll on my PSS today so if you see me just send me a request. :)
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

I have a Jynx for your Pokédex (called Nicki Minaj, got by wonder trade lol) and a Spanish Buizel.

I need central 018,019,028,034,055,067,081,095,103,108,110,112,113,122.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Interested in your 5 IV Guts Larvitar with Stealth Rock and your 5 IV Huge Power Marill with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum. I have 5 IV breeding pairs of Goomy and 4 IV Rotom and Kangaskhan. Let me know if we can work something out. Thanks!
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Pokewiz1999 said:
Interested in your 5 IV Guts Larvitar with Stealth Rock and your 5 IV Huge Power Marill with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum. I have 5 IV breeding pairs of Goomy and 4 IV Rotom and Kangaskhan. Let me know if we can work something out. Thanks!

Already have what you listed. :/
Dot know why I haven't added Goomy to the list, lol.
I'll have to pass.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

So my Jynx and Buizel for anything I don't have in my Pokédex?
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Is there something in particular you'd like, or just something from the list you gave?
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Keeper of Night said:
Is there something in particular you'd like, or just something from the list you gave?

Anything, I want to fill my Pokédex.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Can you breed me 5iv BOLD nature rotom missing only attack iv? I can trade you with what you are missing from your pokedex. ninjask etc.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

midniteoriginal said:
Can you breed me 5iv BOLD nature rotom missing only attack iv? I can trade you with what you are missing from your pokedex. ninjask etc.

If it's not on my list, I can't breed it.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Do you still have a 5IV Scyther? I have 5 IV nidorans, dratinis, masquerain, and aerodactyl for trade
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

JCGKVK6325 said:
Do you still have a 5IV Scyther? I have 5 IV nidorans, dratinis, masquerain, and aerodactyl for trade

I'd be interested in Nidoran (both genders) and Aerodactyl.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Keeper of Night said:
JCGKVK6325 said:
Do you still have a 5IV Scyther? I have 5 IV nidorans, dratinis, masquerain, and aerodactyl for trade

I'd be interested in Nidoran (both genders) and Aerodactyl.

All 3 for one scyther?!?!?!?!
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

Keeper of Night said:
That works.
I'll have to breed the Scyther first.

Pm me when you have it and I will check back tonight when i get back. Im assuming you will be on since you are the keeper
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside


Ferroseed (Iron Barbs, Relaxed)
Egg Moves: Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock

Feel free to CML and pick up to 3 of my mons for this. If none of them tickle your fancy, I wouldn't mind getting you a battle item/Megastone if you need. Including an ability capsule.
RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--5 IVs Inside

I will be online in 5 mins, so tell me whenever you want to trade.

Btw, what can you do for a MewTwo?