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kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x and so many lv.x's

RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

I suppose I can do two claydols if you're open to that still.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

It's pretty fair...honestly you're probably getting the better part of the deal considering how many people want claydols and how much they sell for.

On ebay, claydols are ~22 each, and flygon X is ~40. I can still throw in anything else you need.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

i see claydols online on ebay for 15 dollars so 30 for two.
your 10 dollars short.
i have 4 claydols so i dont even price them at that.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

do you have any D/P Base or SW Weaviles?
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

i have some dp base stuff.
what are you looking for?
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

CML for 4 claydol GE and xX Uxie LA.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Sent you a PM in regards to your post on my thread. Thanks!
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

CML for Claydol GE and Floatzel GL Lv. X please. :)
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

CMl for floatzel lv X. I have an infernape 4 RH if interested btw I live in the UK
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

I didn't see any thing everybody. Just make me goods offers
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Kingdra, do you have any Holo Basic Energy cards?