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kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x and so many lv.x's

RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Kingdra,I'm stupid and can't do hyperlinks.
My list is on page one right now.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

sorry but i didnt see any thing.
do you have any of my haves.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Kingdra for the Luxray LV.X
How about
Shaymin LV.X(Landmin)
Any 2 Rotoms you want
For Your
Luxray GL LV.X
I really need it so please you can add in some thing else. I also have some opened(unfortunately) sleeves, Rotom,Giratina, and Lucario.
I also have one RH Broken Time Space.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

cfour-do you need any thing else besides the luxray cause i built a deck with him and infernape and i really like it. so i might keep him cause im going to world grinders.
Oh, well the only other thing I saw where the Pixies from LA.
Do you think you could do the trade after Grinders(I'm not going so I am not in a rush to get it before then). Thanks.
it all depends on if the deck does good.
if its good im gonna keep it.
if its bad im going to trade it all away.
so i dont know whats going to happen.
I meant you said you have almost everything from Legends Awakened and I was wondering about Azelf,Mesprit and Uxies.
Also I'm interested in Machamp X and 3 Gallade 4.
So CML again.