Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

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RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

bulbasaur45: Sure!!

firemaster777: Your welcome!
bulbasaur45: Here ya go!

RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

mickmon95: Here ya go!

RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

poke'freak: Here ya go!


Please give credit to me!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

I know on the front page it said that you don't need anymore helpers but can I please help?
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Hey INFERNAPE: When do helpers actually get to DO anything? (Not to sound rude or anything...)
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Gastrodon Kirbymon and how about a Darkrai kirbymon?
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Because I have nothing to do, here you go bonsly!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Okay, so here's my request - no, not an image request, sillies!

1. Make sure that you draw borders after resizing stuff. Usually it'll kill a little black, so you have to draw it back in. It only takes a few seconds.

2. Don't use straight lines. Try to go with the lines of the kirbies, and make it a bit more horizontally aligned so that it will reach either edge, but so that you have a curve, as well, since there really aren't many straight lines in the world. Try to curve it so that it meets either side while giving it that 'non-linish' touch.

3. Use accept, not except. Except means to not include, for example, "I'm using all the colors except red." Accept means the opposite - to include, or to say yes to. "I'll accept your offer."

Sorry, no request here, except for that you take this as constructive criticism... and teach me your secrets! Bwahaha!

P.S. - I saw your recent Darkai Kirby. Try to make sure that the mouth doesn't 'cut off' at the edge, otherwise it looks choppy. You could resize it to make it fit on the kirby more, or add more 'body.' In addition one part of the 'smoke' coming off is square-ish. You should avoid that.[/i]

EDIT: Oops, that was Blade Rush! Sorry...
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Blade rush: I know your really good a K-Mon but i really like to do all the work cause it's fun!

ash ketchup: Sorry it's just i really like to do the work. If i had a bunch of people working i would not do anything. Sorry.....

bonsly1994: Got it!! I already made a Darkrai K-Mon but i will make the Gastrodon!

Stryker Z: Ok thanks....
Here ya go!!

RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Funny you should say that i already make a bunch of K-Mon fusion! I will post them now!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! NOW MAKING KIRBYMON FUSIONS AND RECOLORS!!

can i have a Green recolor of......luxray
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! NOW MAKING KIRBYMON FUSIONS AND RECOLORS!!

can you make a mix of the 3 legendary birds for me please and thank you
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