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Klinklang EX BW-on

It would have energy on it for 1 turn, and I wouldn't play it if it could be 1HKOed and the cons outweigh to pros.
^ Only if I lead with it. I may take it out later if I need the space, but for now I'll keep it in.
I have a Mewtwo counter in Mewtwo, I don't think I need another. Also, Kyurem lines up a ton of 1HKOs that can be very useful, but he is not that important. However, I can't think of anything more useful to replace him with, and I still don't get the need for another Mewtwo counter when I have Mewtwo and Darkrai.
Umm, not really. Terrakion is only better than Groudon against Darkrai, and then only if they don't have Eviolite, and is completely inferior if I get a Glaciate off. +, he isn't an EX, and the reason I'm cautious about Kyurem is the relatively low HP.
Actualy I use Kyurem EX against nearly everything, but I'm going to take out Kyurem, he is basically outclassed by Kyogre
Added Revive to get back an EX if I can't get the Max Potion in time, and to get back the occasional Klink.
Re-thinking about Kyurem, though. Even though Kyogre does more, he only hits 2. Kyurem comboes perfectly with Groudon, and I kind of want to put him back in.
Out with the new and in with the old...
-1 Revive
+1 Kyurem

Anyone have anything to say about this deck?
Umm, can you say why you want to take out my main 2 attackers?
As for draw, I have 12 supporters (counting Random Receiver)
Should I do
-3 RR
+3 Cheren
since Smeargle and Junk Arm are leaving.
RRec-ing for a Juniper is at least eight times better an option than playing a Cheren in nearly every situation. RRec is better. If you really do find you need more draw, which is debatable, more Junipers is the best option. I don't know why so many people are afraid of 4 Juniper.

I still don't like the Kyurem NVI in this...
Kyurem doesn't do anything to Darkrai, 3HKOs Altaria against Garchomp, and you have Kyurem EX for Groudon.
Kyurem uses Glaciate
30 to 2 Darkrai
Retreat into Groudon
Switch energies over
Start 1HKOing

Kyurem uses Glaciate
Kyurem faints
Kyogre uses Dual Splash
Take 2 prizes on Altaria's
Retreat Kyogre
Start 1HKOing with Groudon

Of course, you would only do this if you could afford to Lose the energies, which admittedly sometimes happens, in which cas you do 2 Dual Splash's
Darkrai case: But you can use Dual Splash for the same thing with more HP.

Garchomp case: Why not just 2HKO with Kyogre?
Both, to set up more 1HKO, the downfall of Kyogre is that he only hits 2 pokemon
He also lives an attack from things other than Darkrai...oh well, I won't argue if you're adamant about it.