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Klinklang EX BW-on

Well, I'm mostly trying to convince myself, since he is like the 60.0001 card, and i think he can be very useful. I'm trying this at battle roads and I'll see how it does
Don't forget that almost every Darkrai you will see will have an eviolite attached...
Ya, I guess he isn't that useful against Darkrai, unless you have a Max Potion to heal the damage off to Glaciate again.
Sorry for double posting, but here is a thought. Keldeo doesn't require basic water energies, just water energies, so he could act as a powerful sweeper with Blend and Prism, and his ability allows me to get rid of those awkward dark energies, since with his ability + Prism = free switch. Maybe
-1 Kyurem EX
+1 Keldeo EX
-2 Dark
+2 Metal
I know Keldeo is really far in the future, and I won't make this change till them in the decklist, but what do you guys think of the idea?
pkolaboy said:
Don't forget that almost every Darkrai you will see will have an eviolite attached...
I see ones with dark claw a lot.

Keldeo is good for a deck like this, but I have one question before I post more. Who is your main attacker? Will it be keldeo?

Lumos 77 said:
Umm, can you say why you want to take out my main 2 attackers?

Kyurem EX shouldn't be your main attacker. The reason for kyurem EX is to defend against quad entai. You only need 1 kyurem EX for that.

Groudon EX is basically outclassed by terrakion, but because of kyurem, I suggest you should put only 1 in.
Kyurem EX is a really hard hitter, and after a Glaciate (2 with eviolite) Groudon should 1HKO everything, along with having a convenient resistance to Zekeels. Darkrai is an OK attacker, but the 2 above outclass him. Keldeo won't be my main attacker, he'll be a more powerful Mewtwo in Many situations, but if I pile too many energies on him he'll be Mewtwo bait, so he has limited power. He is there Largely for his ability, and he can probably replace Kyurem, but sometimes Frozen Wings is useful, so I'll just have 1 of each
I put this in the original post, I'm pretty sure, but I want to use him because he has a better blend energy and has a better Gartalia matchup