• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Large Update! Looking for a few things!

RE: T-Peezy's Trades

Ok, sounds good. Let's try this then:

Blissey Prime x1
Alph Lithograph HGSS x1
Hypno HGSS x2
Slowking HGSS x1


Vileplume UD
Crobat Prime
Feraligatr Prime
Ursaring Prime

PLMK or counter. Thanks! Cheryl
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

@Techdeck I don't have any Pokemon Collectors for trade. They're currently in my wants.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

My UL Rare Candy, Seeker

Your RH Revive, RH Professor Juniper

Please PM me if this is good! :)
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

@ Darkvoid I'm interested in Shamin UL X2, Pachirusu CoL X1, Alph Lithograph 4 and DCE's. Make an offer?
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

Please CML for your:
1x Professor Juniper (RH) (Huge Want!)
2x Cinccino
2x Bouffalant (91/114)
1x Jumpluff HS
1x Crobat Prime
1x Ursaring Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime (PACK)

I have a couple of your wants. Let me know everything (if anything) you find and hopefully we can work something out, thank you.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

Afro-G said:
Please CML for your:
1x Professor Juniper (RH) (Huge Want!)
2x Cinccino
2x Bouffalant (91/114)
1x Jumpluff HS
1x Crobat Prime
1x Ursaring Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime (PACK)

I have a couple of your wants. Let me know everything (if anything) you find and hopefully we can work something out, thank you.

I didn't really see anything that caught my eye, sorry!

dolphinluv2010 said:
CML for a Darmanitan Prerelease. I have some DCEs. Does it matter what set they're from?

Down to one Darmanitan Promo, not sure if I trade it for DCE's. :p
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Scyther (Reprint) PL
Shaymin UL

Typhlosion Prime
Crobat Prime

Unfortunately, the Typhlosion is currently being traded, (need to update my list, haha.)
RE: T-Peezy's Trades

Crobat Prime
Houndoom Prime
Feraligatr Prime
Ho-Oh Legend (bottom)

Scyther PL
Shymin UL
Magneton TR (RH)
Scizor Prime
Pre-release Sleeves?