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Large Update! Looking for a few things!

RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

i have five smeargle UD (2 RH) and I am intereseted in your

Bouffalant (91/114)
Vileplume UD x1-4 (no RH)
Jumpluff HGSS

LMK if you're interested in trading those ty.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

I'm out of non RH Vileplumes, I only have 2 left!
I have 4 Jumpluff, but they're decked currently.. But the deck will most likely be taken apart soon.
And I have 2 Bouffalants. Make an offer?
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

TNT overvalues everything (I read your rules) but most people value them at 40 or so.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

I think I am trading it. Anything else?
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

@123wert50 I'll meet it halfway and say $50.
@LillipupFTW I also like your Ability Emboar RH.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

CML for Yanmega Prime?
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

3 machamp prime
scizor prime

2 yanmega prime

RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

How about:
Magnezone Prime
Machamp Prime
Feraligatr Prime
Yanmega Prime
something else?
(I have one pending trade, so you might get my last one!)
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

i have x2 machamp prime and full art resh and zek interested in yanmega prime x1
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

To all: My Yanmegas are both in possible trades. I will update here if something goes wrong and the trades do not fall through. Sorry!
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

I have Elekid, a Pre-release E-vire, and Machamp Prime. Interested in your Yanmega prime and Bouffalant.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

I'm interested in your:
2x Yanmega Prime

I have:
Zekrom Full Art
Machamp Prime
Lanturn Prime
Smeargle UD
Machop (RH)
Machoke (RH)
Phanpy (RH)

Let me know if we can work something out, thank you.
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

I'm trading THAT too lol. Anything else?
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime


4 smeargle UD (x2 RH)


Vileplume x2 (RH)
Jumpluff x2

lmk ty
RE: T-Peezy's Trades (UPDATED! BACK IN BUISNESS!) H: Yanmega Prime

@Lillipup, sorry that's all I found.
@Radical114 I'll think about that trade.
@wert I'll let you know.