League of Legends

I'm taking a break from ranked atm.
Bronze 3 is so toxic, they just argue and ignore each other so nothing gets done.
I don't belong here, I'm a nice person with decent mechanics... I should get out if I'm able to keep my team from arguing.
I'll still get silver rewards from my ranked team, but I want to get gold in solo-queue. I'm planning to duo with a friend or Pride if he can, since It always helps to have one less toxic player.
Good luck man. My brother just hit level 30 and he plans on playing ranked right away, but I'm almost level 30, probably 4 games, and I think I'll start playing some draft mode before I jump into ranked.
MtheW said:
Good luck man. My brother just hit level 30 and he plans on playing ranked right away, but I'm almost level 30, probably 4 games, and I think I'll start playing some draft mode before I jump into ranked.

Yes play more before you actually start doing ranked. Draft is a good way to practice for it.
Draft is a great way to get used to all the extra whining, cursing and trolling taking place in bronze and silver. Try it, 'cos you might be shocked.
I thought draft had a lot less of that stuff than blind. In blind nobody cares about anything.
Chaos Jackal said:
Draft is a great way to get used to all the extra whining, cursing and trolling taking place in bronze and silver. Try it, 'cos you might be shocked.
Bronze 3 flaming is a whole new experience.
Ugh, From what I've seen, there are Bronzies that are actually competent, but then there's the Silvers who don't know crap. I'm learning that the closer to falling into Bronze you are, the worse the players are. And it is part of why I stopped solo-ing.
Oh my god.
Even when I'm playing a damage role I still have flamers, except they'll listen to me since I'm mid/top/adc and not supp/jung.
So frustrating.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Oh my god.
Even when I'm playing a damage role I still have flamers, except they'll listen to me since I'm mid/top/adc and not supp/jung.
So frustrating.

Welcome to bronze, where everyone's mad and skills don't matter.
Ardi-Yarne said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
Oh my god.
Even when I'm playing a damage role I still have flamers, except they'll listen to me since I'm mid/top/adc and not supp/jung.
So frustrating.

Welcome to bronze, where everyone's mad and skills don't matter.

I suggest playing someone who can snowball your whole team. Gank heavy junglers and roam heavy midlanes. I used Pantheon mid and went from B5 to S5 with him.
alex said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
Welcome to bronze, where everyone's mad and skills don't matter.

I suggest playing someone who can snowball your whole team. Gank heavy junglers and roam heavy midlanes. I used Pantheon mid and went from B5 to S5 with him.

Lee Sin, Vi, Wukong, Pantheon, and Nocturne are the top junglers right now, from what I understand. So try them.
Nocturne is back? As far as I know the big five junglers are, or were... Lee Sin, Vi, Wukong, Pantheon, and Elise with maybe Kha fitting in somewhere
Nocturne's ult is my favorite in the game. Not only is it amazing for banking, but the entire field looks so cool when it happens haha. And his eternum skin looks great.
Kha was never a good jungler imo.
And yeah, Noc's ult is awesome "Darkness..." But not his Eternum skin. I just feel it's lacking for a legendary.
Its not about who you play, its about if your team flames or not.
If they flame, then you're going to lose cause nobody does anything.

Pride, I need you again.
Since when was Mantheon in the top 5 junglers? Since his use by pro's recently? Really? He's okay, but so squishy sometimes, and he does have good damage, but you don't ALWAYS get kills, so I feel like it's better to be a tanky jungler :/ that way I can build iceborn and still have the ability to split push and take towers well, with less likelihood of being killed when caught out. Malphite has been my go-to jungler lately, for those reasons, the "ok" pre-6 ganks and the fricking-amazing lvl 6 ganks and beyond. Getting the obsidian and glacial skins as soon as I can : ) I still need to try Vi and Lee, but Vi seems more like my type of champion. I like ganking constantly, so Manth does work for me, but I prefer people who don't fall off so hard and are more tanky.

Also, anyone else find it really difficult to gank bot? In normals, the bot laners don't help me when I gank, even If I ping and sit in the bush for a while and tell them that I'm coming :/ so it's just easier to ignore them most of the time, and I basically just always snowball mid. Dunno why, that just seems to be how it works for me :/ any thoughts?
Mantheon is top five because of his ability to brawl, his clear times, ganking ability, and his versatility. As far as I know, I mean. My Platinum friend is the one feeding me information and helping me, but Mantheon has been a very frequent ban lately.

As for ganking bot lane, it really depends. Some teams will help, others will stand there and wait for you to go in. If they don't, then just leave. Not much else you can do.
Being the one of the only bronze/silver person in my group of irl friends, I had to play with them leveling up.
My skill level isn't bad, but I just got unlucky and lost games.
Chaos Jackal said:
Kha was never a good jungler imo.
And yeah, Noc's ult is awesome "Darkness..." But not his Eternum skin. I just feel it's lacking for a legendary.

Kha's most recent bans were due to his jungling power rather then his laning power. He snowballs hard, has great buff control, can out duel nearly anyone in the jungle thanks to his isolation bonus, and his ganks are devastating. He's a ridiculously powerful jungler and maybe the most scary one in solo que?

Also, anyone else find it really difficult to gank bot? In normals, the bot laners don't help me when I gank, even If I ping and sit in the bush for a while and tell them that I'm coming :/ so it's just easier to ignore them most of the time, and I basically just always snowball mid. Dunno why, that just seems to be how it works for me :/ any thoughts?

I don't jungle very often but I find lane ganks more effective if your lane is pushing, you can usually catch the support attempting to either face check or ward the side brush. The river is usually so heavily warded that it can be difficult to sneak in.