League of Legends

Ardi-Yarne said:
Mantheon is top five because of his ability to brawl, his clear times, ganking ability, and his versatility. As far as I know, I mean. My Platinum friend is the one feeding me information and helping me, but Mantheon has been a very frequent ban lately.

As for ganking bot lane, it really depends. Some teams will help, others will stand there and wait for you to go in. If they don't, then just leave. Not much else you can do.

Pantheon was always good, but he was always better in lane than jungle. With the Spirit Stone change, his jungle got better, and he was used by the pros. After that people started actually realizing he was good. I still prefer him in lane (esp. mid), because it utilizes his insane early game better, but people don't have enough independent thought to even try a champ in a place the pros don't play him.

(200 games with Pantheon last season)
So tired of people who think you can slap exhaust on any champion and call it a support... I'm playing with a Hecarim support right now.
alex said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
Mantheon is top five because of his ability to brawl, his clear times, ganking ability, and his versatility. As far as I know, I mean. My Platinum friend is the one feeding me information and helping me, but Mantheon has been a very frequent ban lately.

As for ganking bot lane, it really depends. Some teams will help, others will stand there and wait for you to go in. If they don't, then just leave. Not much else you can do.

Pantheon was always good, but he was always better in lane than jungle. With the Spirit Stone change, his jungle got better, and he was used by the pros. After that people started actually realizing he was good. I still prefer him in lane (esp. mid), because it utilizes his insane early game better, but people don't have enough independent thought to even try a champ in a place the pros don't play him.

(200 games with Pantheon last season)

I love Mantheon mid. He's so much fun. He's pretty fun top lane too. But I like his jungle capabilities because, well, I'm a jungler and he does exactly what I like my Junglers to do.
sillykyle said:
So tired of people who think you can slap exhaust on any champion and call it a support... I'm playing with a Hecarim support right now.

You don't even take exhaust on a support unless the enemy adc is going to be buildingt a shit ton of attack speed.

I take ignite, cause I am quite a fan of the ks.

You do take exhaust on the support, because it also reduces the overall damage output, not to mention the slow.
I main support Annie. As Annie you should ALWAYS take Ignite. You don't even know how many first blood double kills I've gotten. (When I have a dumb ADC who goes and dies.)
safariblade said:
I main support Annie. As Annie you should ALWAYS take Ignite. You don't even know how many first blood double kills I've gotten. (When I have a dumb ADC who goes and dies.)
This is so true.
And I'm liking that Rengar montage bro, you should make more. (With special guests? :p)
So I just bumped into this thread. I stopped playing a few weeks ago because issues made my guy not want to play with me anymore (it wasn't personal issues, it was like...software issues.), and I have zero motivation to continue dealing with hazing and harassing every game 'cause of it. I'd like to start playing again, and with friendly players so I can actually enjoy a few matches without him having to be in the match. If anyone would like to add me, my summoner name is Intoxikitten. I main Jinx and Annie.

I have so much trouble with ignite. Can't ever get it to land nor work when I want it to go off. Related note, that was so hilarious when the enemy team failed ganking me in bot and they ended up giving me a free triple kill. I StunWaved one enemy, and charged up my other stun to stun teddy the enemies that conveniently didn't show until one of their teammate's died. and for some reason they like the idea of being stunned next to my turret. :D

safariblade said:
I main support Annie. As Annie you should ALWAYS take Ignite. You don't even know how many first blood double kills I've gotten. (When I have a dumb ADC who goes and dies.)

...For some reason the enemy team runs from my teddy when he tries to give them hugs. <=[ He's friendly, so I don't get it.
Yay! I'll add you back when I load up the game.

And just to clarify, my guy isn't being mean by not wanting to play with me any more, he's unable to play until late in the day and my internet can get screwy very late at night. >.>
Ultra Rapid Fire may just be the greatest game concept I've ever played.
Afro-G said:
Ultra Rapid Fire may just be the greatest game concept I've ever played.

I can't stop playing AD Malzahar in it. SO MANY VOIDLINGS.

I think this and One For All are just amazing. I really don't get why they don't keep these forever.
I love Rapid Fire. Annie + Jinx = oh my. XD I can't help but over use my teddy.

Edit: Both of your requests are accepted now. =3
U.R.F. is amazingly fun. But I'm more interested in the Twitch VU. If only they make him a viable ADC Pick at the same time, then I'd be ecstatic.