RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!
Just for fun, and since we have all the information, I decided to put this little chart together.
As per what are the best combinations of starters, since we get two, I ran the combinations of the STABs of the different combinations of starters through a type coverage calculator, just to see what would happen. I did not calculate the STAB coverage of the three combinations that share types (Fennekin+Charmander, Chespin+Bulbasaur, or Froakie+Squirtle)
This also doesn't take Charizard X's Fire/Dragon typing into account.
Here are the results:
Delphox and Venusaur (Fire, Psychic, Grass, Poision)
This STAB combination has perfect unresisted type coverage on the Pokemon we know about (Through gen 5). It is super effective on
362 Pokemon.
Delphox and Blastoise (Fire, Psychic, Water)
This STAB combination is only resisted by
12 Pokemon: The Slowbro/Slowking line, Starmie, the Sharpedo line, Crawdaunt, Latios, Latias, and the Hydreigon line. It is super effective on
326 Pokemon.
Greninja and Venusaur (Water, Dark, Grass, Poison)
This STAB combination also has perfect coverage on the Pokemon through gen 5. It is super effective on
348 Pokemon.
Greninja and Charizard (Water, Dark, Fire, Flying)
Again, unresisted STAB coverage with this pair. It is super effective on
381 Pokemon.
Chesnaught and Blastoise (Grass, Fighting, Water)
This combination of STABs is completely ineffective on Shedinja, and is resisted by
36 different Pokemon: The Venusaur line, the Vileplume line, the Parasect line, the Victreebel line, the Exeggutor line, Dragonite, the Jumpluff line, Celebi, the Roserade line, Altaria, Tropius, Salamence, Latios, Latias, Rayquaza, Wormadam(Grass), Giratina and Giratina-O, Shaymin(Sky Forme), the Leavanny line, and the Amoongus line. It is super effective on
334 Pokemon.
Chesnaught and Charizard (Grass, Fighting, Fire, Flying)
This STAB combination again has perfect coverage. It is super effective on a whopping
436 different Pokemon.
Taking this information, we come up with the order of the best combinations of Starters by subtracting the number of Pokemon that resist/are immune to each combination from the number of Pokemon that take super effective damage from the pair:
Chesnaught and Charizard have a score of: 436 - 0 =
Greninja and Charizard have a score of: 381 - 0 =
Delphox and Venusaur have a score of: 362 - 0 =
Greninja and Venusaur have a score of: 348 - 0 =
Delphox and Blastoise have a score of: 326 - 12 =
Chesnaught and Blastoise have a score of: 334 - 37 =
Scores of Pokemon unpaired, just for fun:
Delphox has a score of: 223 - 19 =
Greninja has a score of: 202 - 16 =
Venusaur has a score of: 201 -75 =
Charizard has a score of: 207 - 38 =
Chesnaught has a score of: 273 - 127 =
Blastoise has a score of: 119 - 190 =
From this information, I think I will be going with Delphox and Venusaur. It isn't the best type combination, but having Venusaur will be a huge boon since there are going to be tons of Fairy-types running around in Kalos.
Hope this information helps you all!
Edit: This also doesn't account for Torchic distribution.
Wailady said:
I thought Chesnaught was Grass/Dark and Greninja was Water/Fighting? Or are they reverse?
They're reversed: Water/Dark and Grass/Fighting
mrphan said:
now i'm really undecided on which starter i will be picking, and the fact we get to choose a kanto starter too is making the choice even harder. though im sure it's just me.
Check out my post above for help with that.