XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Rune Yagami said:
wuchereria_bancrofti said:
That's lovely but I kinda wish that they kept the stick since it's like its trademark or something. Just like how they removed Froakie's bubbles.

Change symbolizes growth and maturity, people. A master wizard loses the need for a wand, and frogs lose their bubbles upon entering adulthood. Besides, Greninja wouldn't make a very good ninja if he left a trail of bubbles everywhere.

Dumbledore would disagree with you! :p
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Alright, so it's finally decided. I will be picking Fennekin and Bulbasaur. I have always loved the grass starters. Four out of 5 generations they were my favourite or tied for favourite (sorry Chikorita, you just don't match up to Totodile) but now I really don't like Chestnaught too much. I mean it will probably grow on me like all pokemon do, but it's super different from Quilladin and Chespin. But I love Delphox's look. I have never realy liked the fire starters except for Blaziken, and now I like this one! Yay!

Also, I feel they might change up the starter gender rates this gen. Maybe for all, or perhaps just for Fennekin. Or maybe for Fennekin and Chikorita. I don't know, just seems like Fennekin will have a different gender ratio due to it's more feminine looks. Or maybe they will even give the starters more pronounced gender differences this time around. Yeah lady Venusaur has a seed on its flower, and manly Meganium has longer antennae, but most of the gender differences aren't too noticeable. Delphox with a long beard? Might be cool.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Ririka said:
I hope this can make someone feels better:


More love towards Delphox since it's initial debut <3 :)

Though a bit of me also hoped for a witch-style, there are tons of people there who hate Fennekin's femininity, so i think GF makes Delphox more or less a bit unisex.

Now if that was turned into a wallpaper i would so have it on my desktop rotation.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

KrisJoeEll said:
Sigh.. What they could have been.


Remember to use spoiler for large image.

And, no thanks, they're better than that now. Especially not that hideous Chespin's fake, Chesnaught is waay much better. The Fennekin's a bit boring and the same with the Froakie's. So nah, what we got now is much better, i love drastic change. A reasonable drastic change at that.:cool:
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Ririka said:
KrisJoeEll said:
Sigh.. What they could have been.


Remember to use spoiler for large image.

And, no thanks, they're better than that now. Especially not that hideous Chespin's fake, Chesnaught is waay much better. The Fennekin's a bit boring and the same with the Froakie's. So nah, what we got now is much better, i love drastic change. A reasonable drastic change at that.:cool:

Maybe i'll change my mind after seeing the Ken Sugimori art for the real starters.
But until that time , the 70 new pokemon rumor and this have left me heartbroken.
RE: What Do You Think of the Starters?

I really like Greninja a lot, and Nevsky is looking badass as well. I'm still not a fan of Fennekin, though, but I guess that's just me. I'm not really amused by furry-looking Pokemon. I am definitely going to get Froakie in this generation. He is the best-looking water starter I have ever seen, and this will be the first generation that I will go with a water starter. Stoked!
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

We need to wait for the actual art (the ones that Serebii.net posts). Love those. I mean they pretty much look different in the actual game.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

I actually like Chesnaught. :c
Btw, what type is it?
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Tsukeo said:
I actually like Chesnaught. :c
Btw, what type is it?


I love Delphox, Greninja is alright and Chesnaught is a monstrosity. Really not sure what happened with Greninja's ears, though..
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

I hope that that Chesnaught is actually a shiny Pokemon (if there will still be Shiny Pokemon this generation). I mean Chespin and Quilladin have dark brown colors. It should at least be dark brown in color. Now it looks very different!

In Greninja's case, I think it's cool but it is such a drastic change from Frogadier! It suddenly turned into a sharp-shaped Pokemon as opposed to its round-edge pre-evolutions.

Delphox is the prettiest! GF is serving some sassy magician realness!
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

wuchereria_bancrofti said:
I hope that that Chesnaught is actually a shiny Pokemon (if there will still be Shiny Pokemon this generation). I mean Chespin and Quilladin have dark brown colors. It should at least be dark brown in color. Now it looks very different!

In Greninja's case, I think it's cool but it is such a drastic change from Frogadier! It suddenly turned into a sharp-shaped Pokemon as opposed to its round-edge pre-evolutions.

Delphox is the prettiest! GF is serving some sassy magician realness!

The color change is because it is based off of a chesnut bursting out of it's shell, and maybe even a walnut or peanut It is also based on an armadillo and a knight.
Also, how can you say "if they still have shinies" if we've already seen shiny Sylveon, Gogoat, Skrelp, and Helioptile? And, the picture with the emolga might be showing a shiny Quilladin. If you ask me, I can say that this evolution line may have a shiny variation like Charmander's (little difference, little differenct, HUGE difference).
I'll find out once I get my games (I'm gonna soft reset my X for the shiny Chespin). On the 12th, I'll try to make a thread about new shinies to display what they look like, starting with the previous reveals, and my possible shiny Chespin. This way, due to the lack of sprites now, it allows people to be able to know what the new shinies look like, since they can't look at sprite sheets online.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

I myself have to admit the starter's final evos of Gen 6 look fairly great. I mean, its without a doubt that the whole Knight/Mage/Rogue theme has been reached. Overall, however, the main problem with some being disappointed of the designs, is that some people once again expected WAY TOO MUCH from these evos, and if it doesn't match their expectations, it suddenly sucks or what not. This is without a doubt a repeat of Gen 5's starter evolutions where people claimed they were 'fake' and went to numerous methods to prove that. It also doesn't really help the games were released 11 days eariler and people spoiled a great deal about Gen 6, atleast to me. Then again, when potential real leaks appear...I agree...its way too hard to ignore them, even for me.

What I'm trying to tell here, however, is that for the future next gen (in general sense mind you) whenever starters are released for the first time to the public, people should try to lower their expectations for their final evolutions, although I'm sure this will be fairly hard to do. Try to lower your expectations, and the overall result might be less disappointing and more acceptable, even if people make possible guesses with fanart and such, just in case a starter evo ends up looking bad to one's eyes. Because I didn't think about much how the evos would be appearing in Gen 6 or obsessed myself with them to the point of obsession, I'm fairly alright with their designs. People, due to the leaks, are either pleased or displeased, but I ask that for those who are displeased, that you wait for the official Sugimori style art first. Perhaps then, things might be better....(or not).

Going for opinion, while most seem to dislike Delphox, of all three starters, its the only one to keep its ear-motif through out the entire line. Also for those who complain the evolution has no wand/stick/twig/whatever, I tend to think that the twig in the middle stage was more like a assistance for the second stage evo of Fennekin to help focus its psychic abilities as it grew. Furthermore, Fennekin's first form has no twigs whatsoever, other than the entry it likes to chew on them, so the twig was never really a part of the design to start with, thus a complaint that really makes no sense.

If anyone thinks the same way I do when it comes to Fennekin that way, its final evo practically has no flaws, for the twig wasn't the motif, it were the furry ear tufts, which just grew bigger with each transformation. The robe and sleeves are also addtional fur to the design, helping a lot with the mage theme it has ongoing. I'm really thinking to go with this starter just because of its completeness.

For Chesnaught, I really love its design and typing. The only negative part about him is his color scheme, in which his primary colors were switched with its secondary colors. It if maintained its original color scheme from its first two forms, it would have been a lot better, but just because it has a different color scheme, doesn't mean he's bad in any way. I am just optimistic here and look at the starters with a fair gaze, instead of dramatically complaining who doesn't get what he or she wants. Maybe GF has a reason why they did this, but perhaps the official Sugimori art will be better as I stated before.

For Greninja, when it was first leaked, I honestly didn't know what to say of it, but I do agree with many people that the tongue scarf is unique without a doubt, and also invokes that ninja feel quite well along with its unique move "Water Shuriken". Prior to complaints about him, this evolution too, keeps some of the features present; mainly it builds upon the darker shade of blue, its bubbles become its mask (I think) and turn streamlined, and its eyes build upon the spikey motif they have. The eyes are also still yellow and completes the ninja motif.

Overall... People just need to try and lower their expectations for future generation starter final evos, even when the hype or any possible fanart is super great. That way, any disappointment will be greatly minimized and not be so overblown in large obese proportions, and acceptance will be around much quicker.

Don't judge a book by its cover.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

G-Panthera said:
I myself have to admit the starter's final evos of Gen 6 look fairly great. I mean, its without a doubt that the whole Knight/Mage/Rogue theme has been reached. Overall, however, the main problem with some being disappointed of the designs, is that some people once again expected WAY TOO MUCH from these evos, and if it doesn't match their expectations, it suddenly sucks or what not. This is without a doubt a repeat of Gen 5's starter evolutions where people claimed they were 'fake' and went to numerous methods to prove that. It also doesn't really help the games were released 11 days eariler and people spoiled a great deal about Gen 6, atleast to me. Then again, when potential real leaks appear...I agree...its way too hard to ignore them, even for me.

What I'm trying to tell here, however, is that for the future next gen (in general sense mind you) whenever starters are released for the first time to the public, people should try to lower their expectations for their final evolutions, although I'm sure this will be fairly hard to do. Try to lower your expectations, and the overall result might be less disappointing and more acceptable, even if people make possible guesses with fanart and such, just in case a starter evo ends up looking bad to one's eyes. Because I didn't think about much how the evos would be appearing in Gen 6 or obsessed myself with them to the point of obsession, I'm fairly alright with their designs. People, due to the leaks, are either pleased or displeased, but I ask that for those who are displeased, that you wait for the official Sugimori style art first. Perhaps then, things might be better....(or not).

Going for opinion, while most seem to dislike Delphox, of all three starters, its the only one to keep its ear-motif through out the entire line. Also for those who complain the evolution has no wand/stick/twig/whatever, I tend to think that the twig in the middle stage was more like a assistance for the second stage evo of Fennekin to help focus its psychic abilities as it grew. Furthermore, Fennekin's first form has no twigs whatsoever, other than the entry it likes to chew on them, so the twig was never really a part of the design to start with, thus a complaint that really makes no sense.

If anyone thinks the same way I do when it comes to Fennekin that way, its final evo practically has no flaws, for the twig wasn't the motif, it were the furry ear tufts, which just grew bigger with each transformation. The robe and sleeves are also addtional fur to the design, helping a lot with the mage theme it has ongoing. I'm really thinking to go with this starter just because of its completeness.

For Chesnaught, I really love its design and typing. The only negative part about him is his color scheme, in which his primary colors were switched with its secondary colors. It if maintained its original color scheme from its first two forms, it would have been a lot better, but just because it has a different color scheme, doesn't mean he's bad in any way. I am just optimistic here and look at the starters with a fair gaze, instead of dramatically complaining who doesn't get what he or she wants. Maybe GF has a reason why they did this, but perhaps the official Sugimori art will be better as I stated before.

For Greninja, when it was first leaked, I honestly didn't know what to say of it, but I do agree with many people that the tongue scarf is unique without a doubt, and also invokes that ninja feel quite well along with its unique move "Water Shuriken". Prior to complaints about him, this evolution too, keeps some of the features present; mainly it builds upon the darker shade of blue, its bubbles become its mask (I think) and turn streamlined, and its eyes build upon the spikey motif they have. The eyes are also still yellow and completes the ninja motif.

Overall... People just need to try and lower their expectations for future generation starter final evos, even when the hype or any possible fanart is super great. That way, any disappointment will be greatly minimized and not be so overblown in large obese proportions, and acceptance will be around much quicker.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

True, but at this point... there's so many pokemon to use that if you don't like it you can just box it. There's always kanto starters!

I like all of their evolutions to be honest, I was just hoping that at least one of them would be more feral and less...humanoid. I guess Greninja still moves like a frog.

I also think it would be very funny if these were fake. They probably aren't, but the reactions would be priceless.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Aerodactyl said:
G-Panthera said:
I myself have to admit the starter's final evos of Gen 6 look fairly great. I mean, its without a doubt that the whole Knight/Mage/Rogue theme has been reached. Overall, however, the main problem with some being disappointed of the designs, is that some people once again expected WAY TOO MUCH from these evos, and if it doesn't match their expectations, it suddenly sucks or what not. This is without a doubt a repeat of Gen 5's starter evolutions where people claimed they were 'fake' and went to numerous methods to prove that. It also doesn't really help the games were released 11 days eariler and people spoiled a great deal about Gen 6, atleast to me. Then again, when potential real leaks appear...I agree...its way too hard to ignore them, even for me.

What I'm trying to tell here, however, is that for the future next gen (in general sense mind you) whenever starters are released for the first time to the public, people should try to lower their expectations for their final evolutions, although I'm sure this will be fairly hard to do. Try to lower your expectations, and the overall result might be less disappointing and more acceptable, even if people make possible guesses with fanart and such, just in case a starter evo ends up looking bad to one's eyes. Because I didn't think about much how the evos would be appearing in Gen 6 or obsessed myself with them to the point of obsession, I'm fairly alright with their designs. People, due to the leaks, are either pleased or displeased, but I ask that for those who are displeased, that you wait for the official Sugimori style art first. Perhaps then, things might be better....(or not).

Going for opinion, while most seem to dislike Delphox, of all three starters, its the only one to keep its ear-motif through out the entire line. Also for those who complain the evolution has no wand/stick/twig/whatever, I tend to think that the twig in the middle stage was more like a assistance for the second stage evo of Fennekin to help focus its psychic abilities as it grew. Furthermore, Fennekin's first form has no twigs whatsoever, other than the entry it likes to chew on them, so the twig was never really a part of the design to start with, thus a complaint that really makes no sense.

If anyone thinks the same way I do when it comes to Fennekin that way, its final evo practically has no flaws, for the twig wasn't the motif, it were the furry ear tufts, which just grew bigger with each transformation. The robe and sleeves are also addtional fur to the design, helping a lot with the mage theme it has ongoing. I'm really thinking to go with this starter just because of its completeness.

For Chesnaught, I really love its design and typing. The only negative part about him is his color scheme, in which his primary colors were switched with its secondary colors. It if maintained its original color scheme from its first two forms, it would have been a lot better, but just because it has a different color scheme, doesn't mean he's bad in any way. I am just optimistic here and look at the starters with a fair gaze, instead of dramatically complaining who doesn't get what he or she wants. Maybe GF has a reason why they did this, but perhaps the official Sugimori art will be better as I stated before.

For Greninja, when it was first leaked, I honestly didn't know what to say of it, but I do agree with many people that the tongue scarf is unique without a doubt, and also invokes that ninja feel quite well along with its unique move "Water Shuriken". Prior to complaints about him, this evolution too, keeps some of the features present; mainly it builds upon the darker shade of blue, its bubbles become its mask (I think) and turn streamlined, and its eyes build upon the spikey motif they have. The eyes are also still yellow and completes the ninja motif.

Overall... People just need to try and lower their expectations for future generation starter final evos, even when the hype or any possible fanart is super great. That way, any disappointment will be greatly minimized and not be so overblown in large obese proportions, and acceptance will be around much quicker.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

True, but at this point... there's so many pokemon to use that if you don't like it you can just box it. There's always kanto starters!

I like all of their evolutions to be honest, I was just hoping that at least one of them would be more feral and less...humanoid. I guess Greninja still moves like a frog.

I also think it would be very funny if these were fake. They probably aren't, but the reactions would be priceless.

Yeah, there is always the Kanto starters indeed. If its really too much for people, feel free to box the Gen 6 starters and go on with the Kanto ones. Nothing wrong with that. People should just have a open mind and not say things like:

"OMG! This final evo looks horrible! It sucks and I won't use it!" Big deal. Box them if one wishes, and go on with the game. Sounding a opinion is fine, but don't be so dramatic as if its the end of the world. If things are that negative....take a step back and look at the entire picture in its whole form and weigh any negatives with any positives you find. I'm sure, without naming anyone in particular, that the positives outweigh any of the negatives....if there are any negatives to be found.

As for them being fake....someone would have to be VERY skilled to do something like that and have a lot of free-time on their hands as well. Because of that, I don't think they're fake. Anyone who still does....well sorry, but those who still are, they're in denial. Hence why, again, always try to look with a open mind and lower your expectations, especially for Starter Evos and any fanart that gets posted on the net - for whatever Generation of Pokemon is up next.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Chesnaught is now my fave Gen 6 starter. Looks so freaking badass!

Delphox could look better quadrupled, and Greninja... Tongue scarf?

None the less, I loved all 3 of the fully-evolved Starters. :D
From me, much better initial reaction than in Unova.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

There's something about Chesnaught that doesn't let me love it. I don't know if it's because of the disappointment that I felt after Quilladin's reveal, or if it's something in its desing, but it only just looks "plain ok" to me. You can always disagree with me about this, but I just feel indifferent for it. Here are some of the reasons:

1. Quilladin
2. Its design could have been made better. I heavily despise those lines in Chesnaught arms and legs. Maybe some kind of green armor or something for the legs...
3. The shield looks like Samurott's shell. Don't take me wrong, I love both Samurott and Chesnaugh's shell, but it could've been spikier/more menacing.
4. Arms. They look friggin' static haha. I won't love them until I see some movement.
5. It still looks loke FRIGGIN' MEGA GARGOMON AND FRIGGIN' VIKEMON! (sorry for caps) Sidenote: I'm not one of those people who has a Poké/Digi war, I love them both. Neither am I a genwunner haha.
6. And most important of them all, Quilladin (yes, again haha).

But I know I'll end up liking it. Design-wise, I'd prefer having it over Meganium, Sceptile, and even Venusaur or Serperior, but it won't ever beat my love for Torterra xDAs for Delphox and Greninja, I love them! I'll name them Oracle and Gaiden, respectively. Delphox jumped immediately to my top 3 fire startes (just below Blaziken and Charizard), and so did Greninja (below Swampert and Blastoise)

Can anyone here help me love Chesnaught more? Haha
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

Aerodactyl said:
G-Panthera said:
I myself have to admit the starter's final evos of Gen 6 look fairly great. I mean, its without a doubt that the whole Knight/Mage/Rogue theme has been reached. Overall, however, the main problem with some being disappointed of the designs, is that some people once again expected WAY TOO MUCH from these evos, and if it doesn't match their expectations, it suddenly sucks or what not. This is without a doubt a repeat of Gen 5's starter evolutions where people claimed they were 'fake' and went to numerous methods to prove that. It also doesn't really help the games were released 11 days eariler and people spoiled a great deal about Gen 6, atleast to me. Then again, when potential real leaks appear...I agree...its way too hard to ignore them, even for me.

What I'm trying to tell here, however, is that for the future next gen (in general sense mind you) whenever starters are released for the first time to the public, people should try to lower their expectations for their final evolutions, although I'm sure this will be fairly hard to do. Try to lower your expectations, and the overall result might be less disappointing and more acceptable, even if people make possible guesses with fanart and such, just in case a starter evo ends up looking bad to one's eyes. Because I didn't think about much how the evos would be appearing in Gen 6 or obsessed myself with them to the point of obsession, I'm fairly alright with their designs. People, due to the leaks, are either pleased or displeased, but I ask that for those who are displeased, that you wait for the official Sugimori style art first. Perhaps then, things might be better....(or not).

Going for opinion, while most seem to dislike Delphox, of all three starters, its the only one to keep its ear-motif through out the entire line. Also for those who complain the evolution has no wand/stick/twig/whatever, I tend to think that the twig in the middle stage was more like a assistance for the second stage evo of Fennekin to help focus its psychic abilities as it grew. Furthermore, Fennekin's first form has no twigs whatsoever, other than the entry it likes to chew on them, so the twig was never really a part of the design to start with, thus a complaint that really makes no sense.

If anyone thinks the same way I do when it comes to Fennekin that way, its final evo practically has no flaws, for the twig wasn't the motif, it were the furry ear tufts, which just grew bigger with each transformation. The robe and sleeves are also addtional fur to the design, helping a lot with the mage theme it has ongoing. I'm really thinking to go with this starter just because of its completeness.

For Chesnaught, I really love its design and typing. The only negative part about him is his color scheme, in which his primary colors were switched with its secondary colors. It if maintained its original color scheme from its first two forms, it would have been a lot better, but just because it has a different color scheme, doesn't mean he's bad in any way. I am just optimistic here and look at the starters with a fair gaze, instead of dramatically complaining who doesn't get what he or she wants. Maybe GF has a reason why they did this, but perhaps the official Sugimori art will be better as I stated before.

For Greninja, when it was first leaked, I honestly didn't know what to say of it, but I do agree with many people that the tongue scarf is unique without a doubt, and also invokes that ninja feel quite well along with its unique move "Water Shuriken". Prior to complaints about him, this evolution too, keeps some of the features present; mainly it builds upon the darker shade of blue, its bubbles become its mask (I think) and turn streamlined, and its eyes build upon the spikey motif they have. The eyes are also still yellow and completes the ninja motif.

Overall... People just need to try and lower their expectations for future generation starter final evos, even when the hype or any possible fanart is super great. That way, any disappointment will be greatly minimized and not be so overblown in large obese proportions, and acceptance will be around much quicker.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

True, but at this point... there's so many pokemon to use that if you don't like it you can just box it. There's always kanto starters!

I like all of their evolutions to be honest, I was just hoping that at least one of them would be more feral and less...humanoid. I guess Greninja still moves like a frog.

I also think it would be very funny if these were fake. They probably aren't, but the reactions would be priceless.

Boxing a starter (for the whole game, not just for a bit) always bothers me. This Pokemon was a gift from your friends, and you just throw it away? Come on, where is your heart?

Anyway, I actually like Delphox and Greninja, their designs are nearly perfect in my opinion. They embody the mage and rogue sterotypes very well. Chesnaught, on the other hand, looks more like a bulldozer than a knight/paladin. I wasn't expecting it to look like that at all. Still, having another grass/fighting type is cool, as Breloom was getting a bit stale, being the only one.
RE: Leaked: Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

I've seen Delphox get a lot of hate, but I love it and I'm still sticking with Fennekin